We lost our camera in Posusje and together with it, about 30 photos of Korcula (inlcuding Kristian and Frank's overland safari and wine-tasting trip), Dubrovnik photos and photos from Baska Voda!! Rats!!
Hi Ange Had a nice chat to your Mum and heard all about Croatia and how welcome you have all been made. I can just imagine how thrilled the family are to have you there. They won't want to let you go and the boys probably don't want to leave either. I know how much freedom they will be experiencing and that they are probably playing outdoors with other kids for hours on end. How can you beat that ! We are all so happy for the beautiful Nemet family as they welcome Baby Kayla ! Just as well for the baby or you might have decided to stay ! Anyway, not long now Ange until we see you all. Enjoy your last week and travel home safely xx Rachel PS Joey is missing you boys. He says it feels like forever and ever that you have been gone. Milli has had a few little reminders here and there of Tomas too xx
hi angie!! so many apologies- i just saw this now! how exciting about vicky! that's fantastic news. and love the name. when are you home? cant wait to see you and a girls weekend sounds wonderful! the weather's heating up here and a pre-spring swim is definitely on the cards. hope all the boyz are well. wishing you lots of love for the rest of the trip xxjane
Thanks Jane! Yes the boys are growing - having a relaxing time now. We are currently in Split after spending 10 days in beautiful Korcula! Boys are definately growing. Vicky had another beautiful baby girl today- Kayla Olivia. Vicky and Kayla are doing very well - we can't wait to see her back in Australia. Looking forward to seeing you too Janie - would love to catch up for a late birthday drink - maybe in Bondi for a girls weekend. XXX Ange
Hi Ange and All,
Wow, you guys look like you're having such an awesome time!
And are the boys taller? Kristian looks as tall as me. what are you eating over there? I'm going to try some!
So great you're in Croatia, and the weather looks beautiful.
Have some Krovna for me!
Much love and stay safe,
Agathe & Co.
Hi Angela,
I hope everything is goig well. It turns out I need that cable afterall, so I'd appreciate if you could please send it to me. Thanks! Our address is Furesøgårdsvej 21, 3520 Farum. Thanks a million!
Erika Tokich
Lisa Sullivan
What beautiful memories you are creating! It looks like you are having a fantastic time. Enjoy every moment! A belated happy birthday to Matias and Tomas! Lots of love Lisa, Wendell, Joseph and Tori xoxo
Mette & Mikkel
Hi again... mistake in the just posted text, sorry.... Of course we mean YOUR family (not our).
Mette & Mikkel
Dear sweet Jensen family!
Hope you are all doing well in Randers. We miss you all a lot. It was so great to have you here at our house and getting to know you. Remember, you are always welcome in our home.
We have just looked at the pictures of your stay with us. It brings back so many memories of some great fun, talks, laughs etc. Wonderful - and amazing to click so instantly with people, you have just met - well, not you Frank :) But our lovely family.
We wish you a great trip through Europe and see you sometime in the future. Give Tomas, Matias and Kristian a BIG hug from us.
Love Josefine, Alberte, Mette & Mikkel - and Buster! x x x x x x
Ante Pavković
draga angela jedva čekamo da vas i mi vidimo vidim da vam je lipo nadam se da ce vam tako biti i kod nas nažalost kratko. pozdrav od ines ante petre i mate i male marije koja ima tri miseca
Agathe & Co.
The swanlings are born! Can you remember the swans laying on and guarding their eggs when you were here (down by the flying fox)? They now have the most beautiful swanlings and in addition we have cootlings as well. You can see the photos on my facebook wall. Hope all is well in Jutland. xxx Agathe