Sunday the 26th of July we left Andrew, Di and family and made our last leg of our trip home to Avoca. Mandy and I were feeling sad as our trip we had thoroughly enjoyed was about to be over. Driving into Avoca was a weird feeling, we were sad but also happy to be home. Our house we once thought was very small now seemed so big and spacious. Link looked older and Scooter looked better than when we left. We also felt a great sense of achievement. Caravanning had been a new and exciting thing for us and our family. We have already started to plan our next trip, the east coast of Australia in around five years.
I guess what we learn't was the value of our trip was in spending time as a family. Home really is where you make it. Every large town has supermarkets, coffee shops, retail outlets, schools, pools and parks. There are many beautiful places in Australia to see and so many great things to do. But I don't know if one place is actually better than the other. Like I said, home is where you settle and then it's what you make of it.
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