Hey hey hey!
It's been a while from the last entry. Now I am in Koh Tao, an island that's on the Gulf of Thailand. I had a plan to go to Philippines but I dediced not to since I am a bit low on money for this year. I had the ticekets to go there but the flights were so dirt cheap that I don't feel any regret not going. Flights inside the country would have cost much more.
Before Tao, I was in the Full Moon party in Koh Phangan. It was really crazy party! Though rain ruined the late night, everything I had with me just got soaked wet. Luckily my camera survived it. After the party we just chilled out doing pretty much nothing, the weather kept up pretty much at our bungalow or the beach next to our place.
Now the weather is really good, sun is shining and hardly a cloud in the sky. Perfection! For the next few weeks that I'm spending here I will propably just chill out on the beach and I think I will by a cheap guitar. It has been a while since I've played...
Yesterday was the Finnish Independence day and we heard rumors about some Finnish restaurant that was supposed to held some kind of a party here on the island but the rumors were false or the place was just really well hidden. Google didn't help nor any of the guide maps.
I think now it is the time to go hit the beach!
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Tapani Rajakangas Hei Täällä Pohjolassa on lunta ja pakkasta. Hieno kuva on tuo viimeinen. Maksoin irtaimistovakuutuksesi. vakuutusyhtiö haluaisi sähköpostiosoitteen josta sinut tavoittaa. hyvää matkan jatkoa. t.iskä