Mind the gap, mate.. mind the weather!! Woke up this morning to catch a plane to London, first flight of many to come in the near future. Despite the lack of beverage service on board, the time flew by nicely thanks to a fun chap from Chicago, who kindly allowed me to use his U.S. passport as entertainment. Didn't know they have such fine pictures on the pages..
I came to realize I've missed lady London quite a bit, all this FOOD everywhere and pretending to be busy rushing into the tube. It kind of feels like home but people are too friendly and considerate towards strangers for it to be Finland. Can't wait for tomorrow and getting first glimpse of western side of mama africa. I expect sun, crowds, big smiles and desperate attempts from my side to communicate in french. Ghana must have a distinctive smell to it too, I'm sure it'll be something not to be found anywhere else.
Bonne soiree et a demain!
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