We came to Malaysia to do a visa run and maybe get a few days detox. That was three weeks ago. We thought that what with this being a Muslim country there would be no booze available... We were wrong. Beer is very expensive, brandy is dangerously cheap. £5 for a half decent litre bottle is just asking for trouble.
The first hostel we stayed at in George Town was f***ing nasty! The room resembled the toilet from Trainspotting, and with all the banging and screaming, it sounded as if someone was being murdered every ten minutes.
The guest house we are staying at now is like no other. There is a fully equipped music/tv room, including full drum kit, a range of guitars, plasma television, and more DVDs then you could watch in your life. They also provide free laundry, tea and coffee, and if you all throw a few quid in the pot they will knock up a delicious Malaysian feast. Plus it is very clean, and very cheap.
The owner is a former marine biologist, with a penchant for rock and roll, and the Bob Marley lifestyle, his employee is a Harvard graduate in civil engineering that used to work on the QE2, and their mate that is crashing here and helping with the day to day running is also an engineer that designed malaysia's first national car, and helped install vietnams communication infrastructure. All three of them are touching fifty but you would never guess it. They have all given up the rat race, and now spend their days playing music, talking, drinking, and laughing. Everyday for them is a holiday. Absolute legends!
As the clock strikes midnight we all have to make like Cinderella and get down the beach before the ugly sisters next door call the old bill on us. Fair enough it can get quite loud here, especially when the brandy starts flowing. A fire on the beach, guitars and booze. This truly is paradise.
We have met some truly incredible people here, a group of top Swedish dudes, an uber cool French lady, an English fashion designer, a polish legend, as well as a whole bunch of other amazing ladies and gents.
A couple of days ago a few of us went to watch SEARCH, Malaysia's answer to Aerosmith. No alcohol on site, it absolutely pissed down with rain, the most reserved crowd in the history of rock, and not my cup of tea musically. But with free tickets courtesy of the guys (who are also good friends with the band) complimentary t-shirt, ice lolly and peanuts, we can't really complain. It was to coin our new favourite word an "experience".
Everyone comes here planning on a one or two day stay, the next thing you know three weeks have disappeared.
We are off to the tax free paradise island of Langkawi tomorrow, and I have to say that I am quite sad to leave. Azlan, Zack and Fendi, thanks for the hazy drunken memories.
P.s. Swedish folk and Thai reggae are my new favourite genres.
- comments
Louisa That was lovely to read Leon. So glad you guys are meeting some great people and have taken to drinking Brandy! x
Jo What an amazing experience from scary to sublime - love reading your blog - don't always have time to comment but wanted you to know your always in my heart as a reminder of my Hubie when he was younger and with same taste of music xx