sorry to hear that the job is not what you where expecting !!!.
When you get back to sydney you will find something else .
Just think positive thoughts soon be christmas!!!. Think of me and all the fun of Christamas Parties at work. I Still smile at the blues Brothers join a party !!!. And how much you drank on NYE
And how you will be in the sun ! enjoying your self
If you want to talk you know where i am .
Miss you
Marion Garner
Hi Rebecca!
I hope you are feeling better after your long bus journey?
Rebecca, can`t you change your hostel? It won`t be very nice for you to come home from a long day at work, to somewhere so grotty and you do know a few others in the area. It may be worth the effort.
Anyway, "Good Luck" with the job! I know you will be fine and I expect you will have lots of fun there. It will be good for you to get to know some people in a work environment, rather than people like yourself, on their travels.
Take care and keep on having fun!
Love Marion x
Marion Garner
Hi Rebecca,
Just to let you know I will be thinking of you, on your first day of work in OZ.
I hope your headache is ok now?
Take care! Love Marion x
Miss you loads good to chat the other day and this morning
Am checking email on a daily basis, so I will pick them up.
Hope you are okay - thanks for your random tx last night - made me smile!
Miss you x
Hiya Becs,
Well you are certainly leaving your mark wherever you go, good on yer!What you have done in the 2 months is absolutely amazing and I would have thought to achieve all that in 6 months would have been something.Good luck next week and keep smiling.
Take care, stay safe.
Lots of love.
Jane and Den xxx
Olivia Holmes
Only you could wake me up at 5.30am without realizing our clocks had gone back one hour and ACTUALLY make me laugh at that time in the morning!! LOL..
Love you chicken - GEEKERS PROMISE IS ON!! :-)
Olivia Holmes
Thank you for your text...
It made me sad.... :-(
I miss you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Rebecca,
Oh dear, things just keep happening, don't they! Chin up, things can only get better.
Love you Mum. xxxxxx
Hey Babes! I have emailed you back, so check your yahoo account!! :-)
Just been reading your blog, god the day you locked your self out, I was actually reading it and felt so sorry for you!! Walking around in no shoes, people must have either of though ah every one does it so not really notice, or you had a screw loose! Oh well though, you will never see any of those people again in your life (well I hope not anyway!!) LOL
Miss you lots & Love you more...
Liv xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Marion Garner
Hi Rebecca!
I`m so pleased that you have got the job you interviewed for! (Although I felt sure you would.)
You will now really be able to experience day to day life, on the other side of the world.
Take care and make sure you keep having fun!
Love Marion x
Congratulations on getting the job hun, hope you are well, speak soon take care xxxxx