Hey hun hope you are having an awesome time? the picture's are great, just to let you know im not sure if i'll be coming out next year it all depends if my company keeps me on this year but i will do my best to get out there, anyways take care speak soon don't get up to much trouble will you lol, xxxx
Hi Rebecca,
Good on ya! Do you want me to book you a suite at Betty Ford on your return coz it sounds as if your gonna need it. Dad mentioned that your new hostal is only £11 per night, wow and it's got a pool. How do you do it......only you could.
Have fun. Love you. Mum
Hi Rebecca.
Have a safe journey to Cairns. Well done on the quiz.You never know you may meet up with some of your new friends later on in the months to come.
Love You. Mum xx
Hi To Everyone sending Rebecca such lovely messages of encouragement. I'm not sure that Australia is quite ready for Rebecca but it sounds as if she has hit the floor running.
So, another flight pending.........poor stewerds!
Love to you all. Cheryl.
Debi Smith
oh my god i totally forgot to warn you about the double decker trains!! They were blooming hilarious!! especially if you get on the ones where you can change the way the seats sit!! Its hilarious! but feels very odd being under ground on what I can only describe as a double decker bus!!!
sounds like your settling right in! im so glad you finally made it out there!
And thaks for the blog updates they are fantastic!
What you should have put was... Seee yooooooou later SYDNEY!!! :-)
hi bird,
i am planning on going down to darwin in a few weeks, gonna get a waitressing job at night and chilll out on beach during the day. if ya up for it or heading that way let me know.
if i get bored of darwin maybe i could meet ya in cairns?
keep in touch.
love ya
Goodnight Godbless. X
Missing You. Mum, Dad and Hayley. XXX
Hey Becca
How was the pub crawl hope you had fun lots of yager Bombs ????.
Great pictures take it you liked darling harbour with so many pictures.
Like Debi Said it is bringing so many great memories flooding back. What a great place it is!!!!.
Enjoy the blue mountains. speak soon
Heyaa hope everything is ok, sounds like your havin a fab timee..
Just read all your messages.. sounds exciting.
look at you wiv the lads lol..
spk soon Love Ya... miss you..xxx
How's the hangover???
How was your Pizza???
You do make me laugh Miss Williams.
Can't wait too see the "GEEK" bikini
Love you & Miss you
Olivia x x x
Nan And Grandad P
Hi Sheila.....We are glad that you have got some friends out there and that you are seeing a bit of Sydney..thinking of you, take care.