Hello everyone,
I am so sorry to those of you who I havent managed to contact to let you know that I am home, back in the UK now due to lack of funds (!) and no jobs over in Australia.I have to update my blog for the last few days in Sydney, I will get round to doing it, I promise!
I just want to say a big thank you to every one who followed my travel blog and left me messages - it was lovely to hear from you whilst I was away, and I think on the days I was low, you definately cheered me up; so thank you very much.
It was touch and go for a while whether I would actually go travelling on my own to Australia, but I can now look back with the most amazing and funniest stories in years to come and they will definately be stories I will be sharing with the grandchildren! The past three months have been the best of my life to date, despite the lows that I may have had.
So, after three months of travelling around Australia, two weeks in New Zealand, numerous bus journeys, falling down toilets, spraining a wrist, drinking far too much and living on noodles, I am back home settling back into reality!
I hope you are all well.
I am now back on my English phone number of 0044 7887 875474, should any of you deleted it when I went away. It would be lovely to hear from those who I havent managed to touch base with yet!
I will be printing off my travel blog into a hardback book once I have settled more and will be happy for you to have a look at it, anytime.
Thank you again!
Lots of Love,
Rebecca xxx
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