Six films and 25 hours later, I landed at Heathrow Airport and was met by Debi! It was so good to see a friendly face and I was excited to see her. I think I cried actually. We both did!
I landed at a stupid time on the Sunday morning, I think it was 05:30 and Debi picked me up at 07:00 - she drove me back home too (so thank you Debs - I really appreciated that)!
Driving home felt like forever, it took an hour and a half.
We pulled up on our road and I put my big rucksack on my back and ran to the house. I knocked on the front door (by this time it was 07:30 on a Sunday morning) . Actually, I didnt knock, I banged quite a few times!
Mum came to the door in her dressing gown, eyes still closed and she had to look three or four times before she actually realised it was me. It was the best feeling in the world to see her again after three months. I think I hugged her for about half an hour before even getting in the door!
Dad and Hayley were just as surprised and I had lots of cuddles and there were tears. I was just happy that I was able to keep something from them in 22 years! They had no idea at all. It was brilliant.
Mum made us bacon sandwiches and I emptied out my rucksack, full of presents from Australia.
It was definately a good feeling to be back. I spent the day calling everyone to say that I was back for good and arranged to see everyone in the following week to come.
Next... Finding work...!
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