I had a crazy night last night - the granny costume was first class - the curlers in my hair finished off my outfit! Youll see by the pictures when I finally get them up!
I got to bed at about 1am, but sat up talking to Kipp in bed until about 2:30am until everyone else came back to the dorm - apparently they had been down to the lake for a swim (skinnydipping!), in minus temperatures! Stupid! All hell broke loose when they all got back, Adam has his usual sleep of snoring, and excuse the language, but it is well and truely pissing me off like you wouldnt believe - you all know how much I love my sleep! Anyway, me and Mairead (from Irelend) found a bottle of water in the room and attacked Adam with it - he was that drunk that he had no idea what was going on and ended up sleeping in a pool of water on his mattress! It was so funny, you just had to be there!
We checked out of the hostel at 09:00 this morning and hit the road down south towards Franz Josef glazier. We stopped off at a cafe on the way, which is also a museum. I managed to get out of the museum (all the other 30 people on the bus had to go - my charms still work!) whilst I had breakfast and a large cup of tea with JB, the bus driver. Everyone joined us about thirty minutes later and said that the museum (on deer hunting) was a waste of time. The cafe was unusual - they were advertising for staff to skin and cook possum and make it into a pie. Weird! They had Bambi casserole on the menu board. Even more weird!
We got back on the bus and I managed to read half of my book in our two hour journey to Franz Josef. We have just arrived, its 2pm here. We can see the mountains from where we are staying, its beautiful, so nice. We are staying in the Rainforest Retreat, at the bottom of the glazier - it even has a spa!
I am climbing the glazier tomorrow, I am really looking forward to it, but am a little worried about my knees - but how could I visit the glazier and not climb it!? Im sure it will be worth the pain that I feel after though.
There are a few sore heads this morning, so it wont be a heavy night tonight, although they are playing bingo tonight in the pub onsite.
Hope everyone is okay and not working too hard!? Miss you all.
PS - Im putting my name down for a 15,000 skydive over Lake Wanaka (the best in New Zealand) for the weekend. Not sure that I'll go through with it yet, but we shall see. I think Im doing a tandem and Nicole (from the USA) also wants to do it. I need to check the bank balance first though.
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