Hello again! Need to be very quick, i only have 5 mins left on the net! Havent been doing much....jst work etc. He have however just come back from doing the great ocean road, which was a two day thing! It was really nice. Ill write about it in more detail later.
We're also moving onto brisbane next week! Get out of this cold weather and into the sub tropical shizzle! Anyway gotta go for now so will update asap. Bye for now! x
Im back, sandy has let me use his laptop for a while!! Yea i know, i couldnt believe it either! So anyway...the great ocean road was the only major thing we have done recentley. We booked for a two day tour. Got picked up at about 7am by a little mini bus. There was only about 7 of us so it was quite good, we could all get to know each other easier. It took about 2 hours to get to the start of the road, listening to a mixture of old mo town on the way! The pics should be on fb by the time you read this anyway. After the first day we went back to a small hostel where we had a....wait for it.....yes....a bbq! It was really nice though, no shrimps! :( That was followed by a bottle of vb then a couple of glasses of the old faithful! (GOON!) Had to be up early the next morning so nothing too heavy. Left off again at 8ish am. Finished the rest of the tour which was all good! It was a bit cold but we got to see a really nice sunset and loads of penguins heading back to their nests for the night! Im not going into much detail because 1 i cant be arsed and 2 the pics will tell you what we saw etc.
So anyway, off to brisbane soon! cant wait to get back into the sun again, my tan is going! nooooo! Will be sad to leave the city and all the people i met but will end up seeing some of them again i reckon! Going to watch a live band with danny tomo night! Not much more to write about really....still having a buzzin time! (sandys saying) Meeting loads of peeps, and still so much more to do! Am missing the fam and the lads back home sure they can live without me. Will see you in Brissy! :) x
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