Picked up the remaining people joining the group, went from 14 to 25 (only 3 spare seats on the truck now). And once again such a small world as I knew one of the girls from Massey (Kylie).
Then it was on the bumpy road towards the Tanzanair boarder to pay $50US for a visa, then onto Snake Park Campsite in Arusha where we were stoping for the night. And the campsite actually had a snake park with all these crazy looking snakes, which I don´t think I´d like to see outside of there glass cages.
Tash had arranged an orgainsed dinner (so no duties), which was an awesome feed with lots of meat. Then it was in to the bar for a few drinks. The bar was run by some South Africans with alot of character. The lady was called `ma´, and she had 2 rules: no saying the `c´ word and no getting naked!
Onto Serengiti tommorrow.
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