Viagra,Veganism,Insurance,Bullion markets,Religion,War,Marriage,Human Udder enlargements..We humans are perhaps the most insecure of species.We are probably the only species that go to great lengths to ensure we remain healthy and prime during our short spell on this blessed planet.We inherently dont trust ourselves or those around us that thing could just turn out okay...We invoke the gods to make our divine manifestation an entitled reality.Our insecurities stem out of our needs to crete positive legacies.Legacies are a very interesting thing.Its interesting how ownership to a particular legacy we wish for can tear apart families,change who we are -to be who we want to be,and render familiarity into the alien..Insecurities have colonized our narrative like Intestinal Flora growing into every aspect of our social interaction.Why do u think it is?I for one believe we each have an answer in us we are too afraid to reach for..It takes a brave man to be be who he is....It takes an even braver man to find out what it is..I am of course neither.:).Goodnight.P.S-Im insecure my eyes will hold out any longer.Goodnight.
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