Friday 18th
my last week in melbourne as i am going to aderlaid on tuesday !! ok then what have i been up2 since i last wrote ........................ not much really, The weather is so changeable in melbourne they say it is the only place in oz like it, For example, im not going to lye to u the weather has been rubbish ( i have only took pics on nice days to make u all jelouse ) but in reality it has not been what i expected, dont get me wrong when it is sunny it is too hot but when it rains it is cold and miserable ( us english are never pleased ay ) went the beach twice last week and it was sooooooo warm and sunny was 102 degrees for 2 days and then the day after (yesterday) rained all day, did not leave the hostel, did feel more like x-mas though, The tan is getting better but still abit white
emily passed through melbourne the other day, we had a walk round the city , i showed her the sights and gave her a guided tour , think she loved it , lookin forward to meeting up again next week for x-mas and new year !! will be great !!
my beer pong is comin on, winning more than loosing wich is always good, ( probably better than andy now , no actually i am , game in new york is on the cards )
lovin the footy results comin through , blues for champions league ay Dale & malc !!!!!
going the the melbourne vs sydney game 2moro night , abit of a derby and top of the table clash, should be good
so next time i write will be from aderlaid !!!
love you all ,
keep eyes on pics more will be on very soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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