goodday sports, wow is all i can say about this place. the city is amazing and so are the people.
As u are probably aware my trip got off to quite a bad start with my plane breaking down in hong kong, belting down the runway A big bang and a sudden stop scarey stuff to be fair. Not to be put off i kept a smile even though i was soo tired i could of cried. any way i finally got here and fell in love straight away. first few days just walking and walking for hours getting lost and finding my way home ( the best way to see the city i say )
i am now in the hostel witch is great, people are soo friendly & are most of the time drunk. but still funny. The weather is s***e, has been raining for 2 days and have got my coat and shorts on ( not taking shorts off cus im in austrailer & refuse to wear trousers even though i am still quite cold )
pictures will be on soon the computers here are really crap & i would need a longer visa to upload pics.
gotta go love you all , will update soon xxxxxxxxxx
(managed to blag more time, so i can bore u abit more )
first 2 days i was here the weather was too hot, had to keep going in shops to cool off they could tell i was a wimpy englishman. It is now rainin so i look and laugh at all the wimpy ozzies runnin for cover as i walk down the street with my shorts & t-shirt on with a big grin on my face , welcome to my world !!!!
aint really been up2 much the last couple of days due to weather, managed to see alot of the sights in the first couple of days for example, all the sports grounds & parks, very nice.
The hostel is great , have met some really nice people & it is such a friendly atmosphere.
Am gonna make my way down the beach 2moro if the weather is good & show all the girls my washbored stomach !! (they will love it)
gotta bounce xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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