Every place in Vietnam has been breathtaking, so why would Hoi An be any different. There was a 60 year old Vietnamese woman in my cabin on the overnight train ride from Hanoi. She had a brother who died in the war, and I asked if she had any feelings against the US still and she said "the past is the past." She bought me dinner and breakfast, and was the sweetest woman in the world. Everyone over here has let go of the past. It makes me feel peaceful inside knowing that these people have completely moved past that awful time.
Hoi An is beautiful, it's just that I had to share the city with about 10 million other tourists. But, being who I am, I was able to find local places even here. I would walk along the street and find a restaurant that most people back home would look at and see stomach ache waiting to happen. But, I've felt great, and I've eaten everything. It's all about the food here, no ambiance, just good food.
It was pleasing to relax in this small city after the constant buzz of Hanoi.
Oh yea, here were some other fun foods I ate in Vietnam.
1.) Brains
2.) Pork Intestine
3.) Bone Marrow
4.) Snails
5.) And most disgusting was an egg that has started to turn into a baby chicken..........I ate this in front of a family of 12, just praying that I would be able to swallow it. My body took 3 minutes to swallow it, the whole time I was tasting the egg/baby chick.
Lots of other stories to come, I am just trying to remember all of them!
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