Well, ive had a busy few days. I landed in cairns on saturday morning at 8am, the hostel i had booked was miles out of town so i decided to relocate to the centre and met a kelly from indiana..who was also on her own so that was a good start. Saturday was just soaking up the sun and once id purchased my havanna's and a sim card i went down to the lagoon and sunbathed. Kelly and i had booked to do a 2day trip to cape tribulation on the sunday which left at 7.15am, so sat night was fairly chilled and just went for tea. (free from the hostel)
the tour guides that took us to cape trib were a few cherries short of a tree...father christmas was in charge of it all (literally lokoed just like him)...along the way we had quite a few stops at mossman grange, and daintree zoo and the tour guide insisted on giving us lots of information along the way, some i wasnt sure was quite true but there we go it was fun. There was about 16 of us on the trip and we were staying at PK jungle the middle of the was desserted compared to cairns, but very relaxing and calm, we sat by the pool and read books/walked. although i didnt sleep much as i was scared i was going to get eaten by giant spiders, crocodiles or by stinging plants...anyway i survived to ltell the tale and on the way home we stopped off at an exotic fruit ice cream place and had a river boast cruise to see the crocs..which we did see a big one - albert who was about 5metres long..
last night was our 1st experience of cairns nightlife, a meal deal from the woolshed included a free drink and it went on from when 10pm came and there was goldfish racing competitions in the bar, it seemed perfectly normal..
anyway just chilaxing today, and getting the overnight bus to airlie beach on weds for my trip to the whitsundays..
sorry for all the very scenic pictures..will update as soon as i can...
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