Well a dunt know where 2 start, the bus journey to vietnam, what eventfull to say the least!
To start of wi we checked out of our hotel en at last minute when the bus came to take us to the airport, alex decides to look for her ticket, which to no surprise she ad lost!! So shes running round like a headless chicken, trying to sort sumat out so she dunt get stranded in vientianne. Any way she managed to get another ticket sorted en we headed of to the bus station, when we got there it wo this little clapped out bus we no toilet en no aircon. Anyway we got on bus en got are selfs a seat, preparing ur sens for the 22hr journey (which in the end took 28hrs!!) we all got a seat, en there wo a quarter of the bus english en the rest vietnameese en lao people, next minute every1 on bus is arguing saying that some ad stole every1 elses seats, alex moved about 10 different seats before locals wo happy, we eventually set off at about 7.00pm.
After about a hour, they dropped us of a a little shabby restaurent for something to eat, not even your dog wud touch the stuff the wo trying to serve us, so a fort ad walf along the road on me own to find a little shop, there wont no lights en a saw this car coming 2wards me so a moved to the side of the road, next minute the full truck served for me en tried runningme ova!! A wo in complete shock, god knows why the felt the need to do that. Any way a got me sen some mexican chilli crisps, that a cud of gipped while eating, en walked back to bus a little shaken, a walked to tell carlies but she wo in a state of panic cos some1 ad stole her rucksack, luckily she found it en some1 ad just moved it.
Once evey1 wo back on the bus ad say we ad a comfy few hours where we tried to get some sleep, but the vietnanamese (dunt know how you spell that)! are the vilest people we;ve eva met, for the full 28hrs they wo hocking flem up en spitting constantly, en some of them did it on the bus floor!! We wo discusted, but they wo quite intimidating so we dar'nt say owt. 1 man next to us spat every10 mins throughout the full journey, it wo awfull.
In morning we wo a mad rush for us all to get through the border, at this point we wo all starving, en the wo army people wi sniffer dogs en all sorts so that took a few hours. Once we'd left there we wo driving along, en they drive like maniacs ere, a wish a cud show you what its like, en they beep there horns for no reason every few minutes, which after 28hrs a cud of ripped the horn out en rammed it down his throat!! Well after about 10 mins of being in vietnam after border, the army pulled us ova, they wo arguing we the driver en in the end let us go. But then they started chasing us down the road, are driver ad put his foot down, but the police/army people kept just ramdomly cutiing infront us for no reason, we ad to really slam on a few times. You cud tell sumat wo goin off cos all locals wo standing on there chiars to av a look, the driver wo shouting for them to sit down. In the end after about 20mins the car left us alone.
After that every1 settled down for about 10mins, we wo driving along agen like a mad men, en we felt the bus move to the side, we looked out the back window en the bus driver ad hit a jeep, en it wo on 2 wheels, it crashed in to the barrier en it nearly went in to the river, so we obviously got ready to pull ova and help, but no the bus driver carried on, we'd all done a hit en run!!!! We could'nt believe what we wo seeing en agen he the bus driver went even faster to get away from em, the car we'd hit wo know chasing us, en in the end we wo forced to pull ova. We all fort a massive fight wo guna brake out they wo all shouting at each other, we all got off bus cos we fort we wont guna be goin anywhere for a while en the car wo pretty smashed up on 1 side. Next min there shouting for us to get back on bus, striaght away. No1 spoke english so we dint really know what wo goin on. Crazy!!
We wo starting to see funny side at his point, en we wo laffing we the few other english people on the bus, we felt like we wo in film or sumat daft.
We all settled down agen, en after 10mins, we here sirens goin off, it wo oni coppers after us!! What else cud happen nar, they made us all get of bus en did a proper search all way thru bus. After about 40mins we set off agen, but noticed that there wo stil a copper on are bus, we drove for about 30mins, en noticed that the bus wo slowing down there been a accident, en thank god we'd just missed it, the bike wo in 2, en there wo some the bags en who's eva shoes from the bike, a few metres away from the bike, the police wo measuring where the bike wo 2 there shoes, it must of been fatal. Next thing we know where all in the police station. We wo all told to get off the bus en we had to sit in a room in the cop station, we wo there for about 2hours we wo free to walk about en go to shop en stuff, we all sat there in this room en played cards like convicts, it wo just funny by this point.
It turned out that the bus had loads of air conditioning units on, en they ad been knocked off, they all got confiscated, en the locals on the bus looked scared, so we'd been travelling we stolen goods be looks of it. In end they let us go en we carried on are journey we a few close misses on the way, av never known drivers like it. We eventually got to hanoi after 28hrs, a cud of gone home on a plane ad a bath, en a pork chop dinner in that time. It still wont ova we found a guesthouse that he had begged us to go 2 the man who worked there, he promised us he had a room wi 3 beds, 2 no surprise wen we got there he dint, we kept calm en en he offered to give us 2 rooms for the same price, so me en carlie went in are room, en she jumped stright in shower, ten mins later knock on the door, the man sed we had to leave immediately en we could'nt stay ere. A wo fuming a wo shaking a wo that mad, i ad afull blown argument wi hotel manager b4 he kicked us out on to the streets at 11.30pm at night, rate laff. We wo down a dark alleyway, en dint av a clue where we cud go. Luckily we found 1 just round corner, just when a fort a wo settled, ad a well needed shower, en a wo just guna get in bed to watch tele, a did the most stupidist thing, a put me phone on charge en plugs in bathroom, the shock went all the way up me arm, so a nearly topped me sen of by end of the day. He He. What a day it wo, funny at times tho. Cant believe how much happend. Weve just been looking round city 2day en its crazy, busier than bangkok or New york, av never seen owet like it. When a lights turns to red, by the time its ready for green there about 300
mopeds waiting to go, en am not exaggerating! Weve nearly bin knocked ova 5 times between us.
Rate am guna leave it there sos if av bored you we goin on but i ad to tell you full story.
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