Hi Everyone
Hope your all ok, Were in halong bay now, really nice ere, its where all the vietnamese people go on holiday, so its really busy. Ad a really good day today, Carlie en Alex av bin saying for ages to get a motorbike out, en i've bin the boring 1 saying, no we shunt we shunt, some1 will get hurt. Anyway today we all decided to get 1 en we ended up getting the bikes off these mafia people, we all got a bike each, en they wont automatic so we ad to use gears, well we'd oni just set off en we went round the corner, en we needed to turn around, so carlie slowly strarts turning this bike round, en she starts pulling on throttle instead of braking, it all happened in slow motion, next minuite she's crashed in to front of this jewellery shop en her en bikes on floor, with her. Well at time it wont funny, my legs went to jelly, en man who owned shop wo shouting "you dint my cabinet, you dint my cabinet" but you cud tell he wanted to laff really, every1 in hairdressers cem for a nosy aswell. I start shouting in street "SEE SEE, you all called me boring, but nar look whats happend". She quickly got up, cos the man who rented us the bike gave carlie the newest 1 en about 3 mins earlier he had just said to her, be carefull new bike!!! She took the bike back, cos it shook her up abit en she got on back of alex, en i stayed on mine, we ad a good day after that, i could'nt stop smirking all day, i can still picture her face when she crashed.
We ad to get boat ova to these islands en, we stopped off at a floating village, it wo mad they just build there houses on the water, en they float about, theres about 15 houses en there all fisherman, thats y its just easier for them to live there. They opened a little floating school aswell, en most days when weathers nice, kids just swim to school!! They put there books in a plastic bag en just swim over, its mad. We also went to some caves where 1 of the james bond films wo made "the golden gun or sumat" i cant remeber it, it wo nice tho. We went to some limestone caves aswell which wo pretty amazing.
Went out other night to a irish bar, we ad 3 bottles of wine, which wo 40%, we wo all pretty drunk, dint realise it at time tho. Got in room en carlie flaked out on bed, i dint fell tired so a kept tickling her toes so she'd wek up, she told me 2 give up cos she felt sick, but a dint. Next min she's chucking her guts up in toilet, en am sat on bath saying sos mate. Then we some how both fell in bath, can'nt remeber how tho, we just laid in bed all day next day en monged, i ad me 1st hangova in months, a dint like it.
Where goin down to nimbin 2mora, but where oni looking round there for a few hours, en getting the sleeper train to hoi na.
Rate guna get off, hope you all ad a gud hol in mexico, those of you that went, am sure you did.
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