not much to report really more of the same! still looking for place to live saw one yesterday but felt it was quite over priced as pretty shabby place very cold and empty looked like noone had been in it for like 50 years or something. but the guy did give me a lift home which was nice. going to see another one tomo which sounds quite promising is in the good area near my work but is little bit cheaper so wel see! also had interview for another job yesterday, i sent them my cv a few eeks ago when i was originally looking and they contacted me for hours in the morning 8-12 so was thinking i could do that and get double the cash in! plus am getting abit bored just hanging round waiting to go to work i mean is nice to just sit and drink coffee and read and chat to people but at the same time im gon be here for a while and thoughjt might as well blast the work. but didnt realise how posh the place was going to be and that she was going to give me a proper interview so wasnt exactly prepared!! luckily had put on the smart clothes i had but didnt give very good answers so not holding my breathe for that one! still looking for just moring work now so either be adults or very small children. this place was an international primary school for kids whos parents are either working for the embassys or the UN so their very particular.....quite the opposite of my current job but the place had amazing facilities - a ball pond and everything!it cost the parents over a thousand dollars a term so can see why their more picky.
today going for coffee by the lake with a couple of canadian girls staying in my dorm room and looking into going to the cinema tonight just to do something different!just have to check the films are in english and not dubed. was shopping last night with these girls who want to get dvds and their sooooo cheap! they bought massive seaons of serises for about 6 dollars and got the lady to put them on to make sure they worked ok. thier is that thing about american dvds not working in england or something so duno if that would be a prob but was going to say any requests let me no!
love rachxxxx
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