have added some photos if you didnt notice! if you click on the photo some of them have a little explaination as weel. have free interent at new guest house so have been on here for about 3 hours loading them! going to get some food then working this evening. moved out last guest house due to cockroach invasion, am such a girl when it comes to things like that hate them with a passion! did nail one pretty successfully by standing on the bed and lauching my lonely plaent guide at it from a great hight. was very effective but then just cant handle the stress when more came, literally sweating after that! moved into a dorm room now which is quite niec and meeting lot of people but none of them are here for that long! looking t appartments saw a coule of nice ones yesterday but very far away from where i work seeing one thats alot closer but is an expensive area as you have lenin park, a big supermarket and a cinema all within walking distance. thought i would check it out just in case i feel its worth it.
hope you like the pics thanks lucy for you lovely long message!!! lots of lovexxxxx
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