Well I'm here in a surreal place called Singapore. It feels like Asia in that its bloody hot and humid and there are lots of Asian people here but it just doesn't look like Asia!! It's really strange as its almost like I'm in Australia still but in the Muslim area or something! In the area of Melbourne where I was living there were loads of Asians so thats normal for me. The language here is English which is really handy! There are loads of other languages but everyone can speak English, all the signs are in English, etc! Its great. The picture associated with this blog entry is a library photo from STA Travel as I haven't loaded any photos up yet, but this is the actual street where my hostel is! The mosque is at the end of the road and you can hear the prayer call which is both haunting and beautiful. The hostel is called Sleepy Sam's Bed and Breakfast and its really nice - if hot! No air-con just ceiling fans which manage to circulate the warm air! My room has 12 beds mostly bunks but I've got a single by the door so that makes a change! My room is the coolest place here. Only downside is that there are only 2 toilets! And the showers are in the same room so if someone is in the shower which they often are you have to wait to wee! Not good when you've just got up or have just come in and are desperate and have to jump up and down outside the door! Bit crap really. Not sure how many beds there are here but I know that they need more loos.
My flight got in last night about 8.30pm and by the time I got out the airport (which is by far the nicest airport I have ever seen!) and got the MRT to Bugis and walked in the rain to my hostel is was about 10pm. I checked in, had a cool shower and went to bed.
I had a lay in this morning which is a luxury after the last week or so as I've been getting up early to catch tours, buses, flights etc. I then had my free breakfast which was great - toast with Marmite, fresh fruit and a cup of tea. I then ventured out in to the city and walked MILES! I had a wonder down Arab St past all the clothes and material shops, in to Bugis St which is like a big market selling all sorts, I then spotted a Dorothy Perkins and TopShop across the road in the mall! So I had to go and have a look and I got to enjoy the comfort that is air-conditioning! So it has to be said that I spent unnecessary hours in malls today because it was just sooo hot! I was NOT shopping though! I got lunch in on of the food courts that was quite good with so much choice of food it was insane! Talking of insane this city is just full of malls. I have actually never seen so many shops! Its actually hell on earth since I am addicted to shopping and have about 100 quid to my name! Not exaggerating there unfortunately. I saw the Raffles Hotel which is beautiful and I walked up a silly amount of steps to go to Fort Canning Park imagining that there may be a good view from up there but I was bitterly disappointed! It was a nice park but it was too hot for those steps! I then wandered around Clarke Quay which was really very colourful and I imagine it would be awesome at night as there are loads of bars and restaurants. I got to see some filming of what looked like a Bollywood movie! I then walked along the river to Boat Quay where I got invited to have a meal in every single restaurant down the street which was a bit irritating. I went to a massive Carrefour supermarket and bought some tissues since I STILL have a cold and a 5 pack of instant noodles for about a pound. Very exciting shopping! I carried on walking to see the Merlion statue which was a bit of a let down as I'd walked so far to see it! I next walked across to see The Esplanade which is a theatre/comcert hall venue with very avantgarde architecture. I think it's trying to by the Sydney Opera House but it's obviously not! They were preparing for a Chinese festival there so it was all go with lanterns everywhere and workers setting up stuff. I then decided I'd had enough of walking and went to get the MRT back to the hostel but it was a good 30 min walk to get to the station. And how did I get there? Through the mall of course! I got back to the hostel about 6.30pm and it wasn't dark yet which was nice I then read my guidebook for a bit outside the hostel before getting myself some dinner consisting of 2 min noodles! Yay! Now I'm hungry again. Boo! Am just going to have a shower and go and read in bed before getting some much needed rest. I'm so tired after all the walking I've done today. I was literally on my feet for about 7 hours today. Wearing flip flops. Phew!
Tomorrow I'm thinking I'll go to Sentosa Island and go and lie on the beach all day but knowing my luck it'll probably rain all day. Today I was lucky and there was just one shower.
Better check the weather forecast...
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