Mansfield is looking threatening under the heavy morning sky. big decision, do we go for breakfast, it's only Wednesday, too much happiness too early on in this journey might be dangerous. Did you know there are 28 independent breweries in Derbyshire, our christmas trip to roger and sue has the theme beers of derbyshire, i sense another vietnam coming on.lots of love dave
Hey badger and badger's boyf,
Seems like your having an amazing time in India, I am so jealous, we have met loads of people that have been to India and rave about it so I am currently trying to magic up more money to try and tack it onto our trip from asia. Unless I start to crap money than Ido not think it will happen!
I can't wait to see you in asia somewhere. We had to change our intinery for asia as we couldn't get flights for Laos from KL for when we wanted so we are doing Cambodia before xmas instead and Laos at beginning of jan, vietnam till beginning of feb and then thailand till march. Really hope that crosses with you. Gutted that we cant see you on new year - as we were planning meet you in Cambodia then. The vitetnam visa preventsus from being able to cha nge things around drastically!
Continue the good times and take care of yourselves.
lots of love
Miss you lots (even you joe)
PS. we have no fb in china as its banned! Along with no access to BBC website as thats banned too - obvioulsy they feel the UK is a bad influence!
Justinio Pilmerio
Hey you guys,
Shalom MOFO's, so it all sounds great so far, god I wish we had added India on to our trip (It's never too late!)
We are coming to the end of China, in Shanghai now and its only a matter of time before we all meet at a bar some where in south east asia.
Have an outstanding time.
Hi Badgerina, been keeping up to date on your blogs, sounds amazing. My life by comparision is very dull! Although I went to see New Moon last night which was bloody amazing! Saw it with Adam though so no swooning was allowed!! Have a fab time in your next stop, looking forward to hearing all about it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Miss you x
Lin Eley
Great to hear from you both and follow your journey . Look forward to seeing some photo's.
Have fun.
Love Lin xx
Louise And Julia
Yo Nobber!!!
Post some pictures, we need to see some pictures to get us through the day, i want beer and curry pics in every restaurant!!!! hows its going dude? any sick moments yet? used the pepta bismal yet???!!!! ha!!! keep safe! xx :)
Hi guys! Miss you already :( Glad you arrived safe and sound. Just read your first blog, I see there have been no nose bleeds as yet...good work!!
Have fun, sending loads of love
Margaret Eley
Remember stranger danger... At least I'm totally certain that you wouldn't get into a car with someone on the basis that you might approximate broadly to a anticipated skin colour....
Clive is actually beginning to smell like a lady....
Clive Eley
have you taken all three of my deoderants? I am starting to smell!!
Linda Da Costa
Hey hope you are settling in and finding your way around the city. Have a good trip out with Deepaks brother - remember to keep us updated.
Love Mumxx
Trish And Ray
Hope you have arrived safe and sound. Can't wait for more news love to you both. From Trish and Ray xxxx
Margaret Eley
Hope the flight was good and the first stay is brilliant.
Get posting!!!
Much love. XXX