bonsoir a tous les 2 et bonnes fetes de fin d année des nantais gerald j aime bien vos messages mais je ne lis pas l anglais j espere etre le parrain pour 2010 allez a plus et bon courage et vive la france et la reine
Merry Christmas to you both! Having a turkey crisis - suspect John made a pact with it overnight to spare it for one day more! We'll sing extra loud for you at the Marehay gathering this morning as you can't 'Come and join the celebration' . Hope you have a Christmas to remember. Much love. XXXXX
Eirwen (Nan)
Loving the blog. Dear Joe and Rachel, many thanks for your card which I received today. I am delighted to know you are having a good time traveling around. I wish you all the best for Christmas. Much love to you both Nan.
Susan & Michael
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, love reading your blog and look forward to the pics! Will miss you at Ce's this year when we take granny back, Have a fantastic time on your travels, enjoy!!! Stay safe! XxXxXx
Lin & Brian
Happy Christmas to you both Am enjoying the blogs.and looking forward to some photo's.
Live Lin & Brian xxx
Trish & Ray
Wishing you a very merry christmas and a happy new year. Lots of love to you both. I am loving reading the blogs. Nan Eley sends her love I print of your blogs so she is also following your adventures. Stay Safe. xxxx
Was he a Forest fan? Does he know Chris Horton? Was it Chris Horton?
You Reds!!!
Wow - one website, two sons.
Good to know you're enjoying life. Much love,
The Swan
Well this is all very jolly! I'm 2000 words away from freedom which is obviously why I'm on here reading ur blog.
Rach, don't let him drive anything again, I've not even been able to look at a jet ski since being a passenger with him.
Bruv, we've managed to get rid of the rats so my chances of being bumped off by the plague before u get back have reduced drastically.
Glad to hear ur making friends. How much is a full english out there? bet it's not cheaper than weatherspoons.
I'm off busking with the choir in the city centre tomorrow, so depending on who turns up i'll either be rich or chased out of town.
Anyway I'm goin back to my essay now.
Stay smart, stay safe.
P.S. do they have tax disks in Goa?
Rach Of The Lamma's
WWWWWAAAAAHHHHHHH!! loving the blog! and all the adventures.... Da Costa Badger, all the weeing chat makes me giggle!
Hope you are both looking after each other! It looks like you are having such an amazing time, and really experiencing it all!
highlight's of my little Wigan life on the prairie??? i've seen New Moon twice during opening weekend! I have a serious child crush!
Keep up with all the vicariously is definitely keeping me going hehe!
miss you both lots and lots! shouldn't really say it but....come home soon... Ok, only kidding..hehe keep having muchos fun!
can't wait to read the next installments of your India adventures!
love ya's xxxxx
Roger Brookes
Alvaston is looking particularly beautiful this morning. I can see the sunrise......the little sods have been in that chicken shed again.........sorry it's just egg dripping down the window of my office. I am very jealous when I read your blog and I hope you are having a fantastic time. Jonathan (Dastardly) and me (Muttley) are starting our research into the beers of Derbyshire on Saturday but I can already give you one invaluable tip for your trip which I gleaned from the Good Food Show. If you smell sulphur there may be Marstons Pedigree nearby. I have been down every drain between Bonsall and Alvaston since Saturday and not found a drop so if you could return the deodorant at some point it might come in handy. In the meantime I'll keep searching.
Continue to have a wonderful time and that's an order!
Lin Eley
Hi Joe and Rachel
In work this morning lovely to have news of you both. I did not envy you the ten hour trip though.
Love Lin xx