Glad to hear it's raining, just like being back in the north west! Am currently revising which has led me back to the blog. Most exciting recent development in our household is Bell's acquisition of a headset for the playstation so now we can abuse people online whilst playing call of duty (you'd love it Rach, almost as good as godfather ii). Also I hope ur showering everyday Bruv, as mum told me it's 'basic personal hygiene'! Anyway, tôi phải đi đây because tôi cần thực hành tiếng Việt.
Chúc ngủ ngon và có những giấc mơ đẹp!
P.S. Since ur eating so well please send me some food cuz I'm starving!
P.S.S. Gửi lời chào hộ tôi đến Justin
Great slideshow, wonderful photos, lovely to see you both having such a great time.
Lots of love from Trish & Ray xxxx
Great to see some photos at last I know you are on a budget but does that include food??
Shall we send you some pies!!
Love Mum
Lovely to see the photos and read the blog..
Are you eating properly???!
Much love XXXX
Loving the photos guys! xxxx
Hi guys Happy New Year! Just started back at work today after been snowed in at Centre Parks all last week. Rach I bloody miss you!!! Saw your mum and dad over xmas which was nice. Thinking of you both lots loads of love xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Rachel and Joe Greetings from a very snowy uk . Brian and were stuck in Newcastle for days and returned home for the snow to follow us !! Hope you both okay looking forward to the next blog. Love Lin xx
Hey! sounds like you 2 are having an amazing time :)
miss you both at the ashcroft residence!
Hi Rachel & Joe
Granny and Iris have been reading your blog - have printed some off so Granny can take them home.
Granny wishes you both a happy new year and is counting the months till you both return.
Love Mum xx
Happy New Year! Great blog...hope you are both having a fab time. Cheers, Jonathan
A very Happy New Year to you both.
Love Lin & Brian xx
Marian Leo And All
Hi Joe and Rachel.. It sounds like you are having a fab time !! We wish you both a (belated ) merry christmas and are sure you will see in the new year with some style. Take care xxxx with love from us all.. (PS if you need any more beer money then give Leo a call !!)