Lane's Oz Adventure
We arrived in Hervey Bay after a very hot coach journey. Australia only ever seems to get really hot when you are faced with a coach journey. We arrived at our Koala resort ready for our briefing and were allocated a room with some of our group which meant there wasn't much chance of missing the wake up call at 5am.
Our group consisted of Flore and Magaret a German Couple, Frodo, Betrina and Micheal, 3 more Germans and then Sandra and Bex, a german and english girl.
After the early start at 5 we managed to pack our van and head off. Not without taking a wrong turning and having to ask a local which way we needed to go. We are still not sure if the local was just being mean or didn't have a clue but he sent us in completely the wrong direction. Luckily we saw another Koala van and as you can see on the photos you can't miss them, which meant we were back on track.
On our first day we visited Lake Mckensie which is a huge freshwater lake with no crocs in. We only managed to have a quick look as our schedule to get to our campsite was so short. The thing with Fraser Island is that everything relies on the tides so if you get caught out by the tide times you will be sleeping on the beach. Which is exactly what happened to us.
So we spent the night sleeping on the beach with no toilets and showers, a bit of a culture shop for everyone. Let's just say it was an interesting experience having to take someone with you EVERYWHERE you go incase a wild dingo attacks you. After making our dinner in the dark we sat around playing drinking games, and the Germans knew some really funny ones.
2nd Day at Fraser Island
We got up really early the next day as we didn't want to spend another day sleeping on the beach. Our first stop was the Maheno Wreck. It was a cruiser which was shipwrecked in the 1930's. Before that it had been a passanger boat and a hospital during the war. There was something about the boat which was really haunting but at the same time it was so fascinating. I wish we could have stayed longer.
The next stop was Indian head and the champagne pools which are at the top east side of the Island. Both places were beautiful with amazing scenery, although near the top of the island you realised just how dangerous the Island actually is. You aren't alllowed to go in the sea because if the one of the huge waves doesn't sweep you away, then a shark (fraser island is one of their breeding grounds) or lethal stinger will kill you. So we were all staying well clear.
We headed in land to find another of the lakes and decided that it would be nice to stay inland rather than on the beach (the sand get's everywhere). So while the others went to explore Mati and me decided to set up camp. Quite an achievement seeing as the day before we were seriously struggling to know where all the poles and pegs went.
We spent the evening cooking up a huge BBQ with the ridiculous amount of meat we ordered and then followed this with some more drinking games. One of the was the fruit and vegetable game. (I will explain when I get home).
3rd Day
We all got up early so we could go for a morning swim in lake Burrabean and although it was absolutely freezing it was so nice. We then returned to lake Mckensie because we had spent such a short amount of time there on our first day.
We decided on return to Hervey Bay to all go out and have a farewell meal which was nice as we were all moving in different directions.
Next Stop Airlie Beach
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