Last day in Flores today ! Got up at 5.30am ! and spent all day checking out the massive Mayan ruins at Tikal. Some of the old temples where massive and we were allowed to climb right to the top, with stunning veiws over the jungle. All you could see was a massive sea of green forest, no roads or anything. As we went early there was also hardly anyone around while we where there.
Only got back about an hour ago so do some last minute packing and are having a few drinks and food before heading on another long night bus journey to Antega (another city in Guatemala). Hopefully it'll be very comfy like the last one, but don't have high hopes.
The novetly value of sleeping in a hammock wore off pretty quickly, last night I nearly managed to fall out after dreaming I was in my own bed and tried to role over ! Maganed to just stay in the stupid thing !
Also been spending money on jewellery, brought a really nice necklace off a woman in the hostel who was making them. She uses the money to fund her travelling, she hasnt been home for 2 years now !
Talk soon
Loves xx
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