Hi all,
Just thought I would update you all on my whereabouts. I am still in Perth and have found a beautiful City Apartment to live in with the girls I am travelling with and also have 2 jobs so its all looking good. I am working as a Legal Sec during the week and at The Shed (a local City Bar) at the weekends. I don't really have much time to do a lot of sightseeing at the moment as I am working so much but I am looking to save money while I am here as I don't want to work again once I leave Perth and I still have the top of Western Australia, Northern Territory and Asia to see yet so heres to saving!!!!!
Well as you have probably been able to tell from me working 7 days a week, I have not been up to much sightseeing but I seem to have found time to socialise quite a lot which is great ha ha! I have had lots of friends who I met in Adelaide come to Perth in the last few weeks and I have also made a lot of friends through The Shed so we have been having quite a lot of fun round the flat in the last few weeks. We have a Traditional Sunday Roast every week which is really nice and believe it or not we have found a British Shop which sells Bisto which has been the highlight of the month!
As you all know it was Faiths 1st Birthday on Sunday so I celebrated that with all my travelling pals and friends from The Shed so that was really nice and really - I felt as though I should really make it up to her as I was not home for her birthday so I carried the party through till Wednesday, I certainly won't be forgetting Faiths 1st Birthday in a rush which was obviously the plan!!!
I am sure I have spoken to some of you about my plans but just in case I haven't then here is my plan for the next few months. I plan to stay in Perth for another 6 weeks to save money for the rest of my travels, then move on up the West Coast, through the Northern Territory then once I have finished the whole of Australia I will head home via Asia and hopefully be home in September sometime. As you all know I have a second year visa for Australia and quite honestly would have loved to stay for the full two years but I have though long and hard about everything and have come to the conclusion that its best for me to come home at the end of my first year, see family, save up etc etc then head back here at some point next year to do my second year.
Well over and out for now, missing you all as much as ever. Big hugs to you all and I will be in touch soon.
Luv Steph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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