Wake up at 8:45am and grab a shower and a quick breakfast before our Tuk Tuk arrives to take us to The Killing Fields (about 15km away) at 10am. Spend about 1.5 hours there.
Really difficult to believe that a human being could do something like this to another human! They killed over 20,000 people at this one killing field and there are loads more killing fields than just this one. They have not removed all of the bodies from this killing field as they are leaving them to rest.
In the rainy season the rain washes to the surface bones and clothes - so as we are walking around you can see lots of rags in the floor and wrapped around roots of the trees.
There's one tree called the "Killing Tree" covered in bracelets where children/babies and women were killed by having their heads smashed against the tree and then thrown into the pit, often naked.
At the end of the tour you can look around the "Stupa" (the memorial they built) which houses over 9,000 bodies and there are labels on each of the skulls to show how each person would have been killed.
There is also the Story of "Duch", In the museum at the end, who was in charge of the S-21 prison, who was on,y put on trial for everything in 2007! After Pol pot had lost power, Duch returned to teaching before being discovered by a journalist in 1999.
We now get back in the same Tuk Tuk and we are taken to the S-21 Prison. It is clear that it was once a school, but ALL of the cities were emptied in 3 days so they were able to use it as a prison.
There were a few buildings, the first building is just empty rooms with one metal bed and a weapon where they tortured people. As this place was left exactly how it was found, in some of the rooms there are bloody hand prints on the wall!
Before the next building you walk past a metal frame with hooks on which use to be a part of the climbing frame from the school; they would hang the prisoners by their arms and torture them during interrogation - if the prisoner fell unconscious during the interrogation they would dunk their heads in smelly water which would mean they regained consciousness so they could continue.
The next building is just full of pictures of the victims and provides examples of how they were tortured!
The last buildings were the prison cells, where they divided the classrooms into tiny cells. On my way back to the entrance there is a man giving out business cards, it turns out that he is Chum Mey, one of the 7 survivors of Toul Sleng Prison (S-21). I buy his book and have a picture with him and he points to his cell in one of the buildings. He's such a happy man!
Head out then to the Tuk Tuk restaurant for fried noodles with vegetables! Yum! Then back to the hostel in the Tuk tuk as it starts to rain.
Quickly go out in search of some dollars (they accept US Dollars and Cambodian Reil here confusing!). On the way 2 children want us to buy brackets from them and they continue to follow us! Ashley gives in and buys one but then the other child says she's stingey as she only bought one from his friend and tells her to f*** Off! They hen throw an empty tic tac packet at her! Nasty Children!
Get back to the hostel for a beer and to update our journals. Head out for food at a small place around the corner, I have yellow curry, yum! On our way back to the hostel we bump into the 2 people we were sat next to in the minivan yesterday.
Go back to he hostel and then go to bed at 11ish.
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