"So take the photographs and still frames in your mind..."
To finish our Ireland loop Dias and I bused it up the west side of the country from Galway to Belfast. What used to be one of the most dangerous cities in world. Now though it's quite safe in fact number 2 on the UN safest cities to visit. The number one thing to do in town here is a black cab tour around the areas which have seen the worst of the conflict between the Catholics and Protestants. We learnt that the town centre is neutral ground. But should you go out drinking or even just in general do not talk about, politics, religion or soccer there. All three are known for dividing the two sides.
We didn't realise just how bad I guess the issue has got. There is a 11m high fence that divides the two side of the city and it has gates in it a certain sections which lock at 9pm. People near the fence even have cage to protect their property and houses. The other thing the black cab tour showed us was all the murals on both sides which are more or less propaganda in same cases. Very interesting to see how they live and mange to get along with so much bad blood.
Other than the fighting religions the city is actually really nice. Lovely old buildings mixed with new shopping centres and everything you would expect in a big city. I really enjoyed just strolling the town. I think my favourite Irish city even if it is Northern Ireland and technically the UK.
When it came time to leave we had a s*** flight at 7am to London but due to location of Belfast airport and check in times etc we had to up at 430! Shaun the hostel manager was a champ but and although we hadn't booked a room he let us hang in the common room until we had to leave. Basically saving us a nights accom that we really wouldn't get the most out of after drinking and playing pool till 12!
"And hang them on a shelf in good health and good time" - Green Day
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