"It was a beautiful day...!"
It took a little while to break London again. Too many birthday parties and leaving parties (yeah you get leaving parties if your special enough). Marks party in the park was a little messy and the reason my nails still have texta on them. Then Anna's party at B@1 cocktail bar. Equally as messy, but some the best cocktails I have ever had. And of course our visited chimed in with happy hour!
But now we have skipped town and after a train and ferry ride are across into Ireland. Dublins first impression wasn't special. I mean it's kinda grey and doomy sky's, lots of old run down looking buildings, plus your at the port and that's never special. Still we finally found our hostel checked in and went out for a pub meal and explore. It started to seem a bit more lively now and in no way as depressing as when we arrived. Next day we got our explore on walked around much more of the town and did the famous Guinness factory tour! It's bit of a must do here but maybe a little over rated. Except for the awesome 360 degree views from the top while you have your free pint. Plus the weather turned it on today. Sun came out and it was nearly hot walking around. Shorts weather even.
We managed to track down another free walking tour the following day which I regretted not doing on day one. Dave our tour guide was awesome and after took us to a great local pub for a proper beef and Guinness stew. So tasty and so filling. Good stomach liner for the pub crawl that followed. The pub crawl actually went to a few bars that are owned and operated by the lads from U2! With a travel day planned for the next morning though we had make sure it wasn't to bigger night.
"Don't let it get away" - U2 (who seem to own the other half of the town that Guinness don't)
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