Day 4 of our intrepid tour through Vietnam and Cambodia. We took the overnight train from Hanoi to Hue (about 12 hrs long!) which left Hanoi at about 11.00. we had small little cqabin between 4 of us - so it was pretty cramped and lots of various smells. Our leader brought on nthe train some rice wine to "help us sleep better" and to be fair was pretty effective. Pierre had a bad dose of Delhi Belly so he didn't have a very good night - he was constantly getting up to go to the toilet etc etc. In Hue we went staright to our nhotel - followed by some nfree time to walk around. the afternoon we went to 'the citadel' - an ancient kings grounds (FYI Hue was the old capital of Vietnam) - a little bit of a bore i thought.
The following day we went to one of the local markets - to the there wwe had to cross the river (the perfume river) byboat - it was a rigity old thing - surprised it didn't sink! In the afternoon we took a motorbike ride up into the hills of Hue. i was dissapointed as my driver was very sensible and wouldn't race other drivers. Our first stop was a buddhist temple - we watched monks praying and ate in the nunery - they wouldn't serve meet as buddists don't eat it or fish- they have to focus onn enlightenment! This was quite cool to see. we then went to some american bunkers built during the war with a good view to the perfume river. Our next stop was the kings tomb - this didn't really mean alot to me but there are some nice pics! And finally on our motorbike tour was out into the countryside to see a local village and see how paddi fields (there are millions of them out here!!) It was a nice ride to get there lots of nice scenery - and children would line the road holding out their hands for a 'high 5' as we bombed past them - this was really cool and the children loved it too! when we got back Hai (our leader) took me pierre & ryan to the park where we played football with about 14 fifteen year olds ( 14 v 4) we eventually won once we adapted to the slippery surface and beach ball! good fun the locals all love football anmd they are very knowledgable about it as well! in the evening we went to a local bar called DMZ - here travellers sign the wall - if ever you go to Hue, go upstairs in DMZ and on the wall near the pool table i have left a message - i won;t tell you what it is though!! walking back to the hotel i was offered all sorts - drugs women you name it - unfortunately i declined!
Day 6
Today we left Hue for a 4 hr bus ride to Hoi An - slightly warmer here - i don't have to wear a jumper! my clothes are in the process of being washed - it takes 24hrs until i get them back - would you believe!! Arriving in Hoi An we walked around the town and had lunch - very nice - my appetite has picked up massively now - so long as i steer clear of noodle soup. This afternoon we went to the beach - about a 20 min bile ride away, where we played football with some kids who were all dinking beer - there is no drinlking age here. after getting back to the hotel we went off again to play some more locals - we stumbeled across a gang of 6 year olds - who showed us a way to get over the large fence - simply bt\y climbing through it - very dodgey but well worth it. they were crazy and very excitable - there were one nutter who climbed on the cross bar, stood up and pulled down his shorts and underwear toreveal hiomself - he was the joker of the pack!
Tonight we go for a meal in downtown Hoi An - and possibly pub afterwards.
Chow for now!
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