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Cooktown, Queensland

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Cooktown, Queensland

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Broome, Western Australia
Lynne Muirhead Hi love, have been checking out your photos, all so fabulous, miss you heaps, looks like you guys are having an absolute ball - would love to be there with you.... we'll start saving..... xx Rhys (glen's son) has just been up from Sydney with his German girlfriend for a few days which has been fun, but other than that we're just WORKING like all the other mugs - except of course it's Friday and you know what that means!! Haha... xx
jim mac gidday Gary " c grade peerless " aka Dabbsie and plenty of others . just spoke to westy who told me about your blog spot , you have some great photos mate and it looks like your having a great time , good on ya , However it occured to me that in your photos you are trying to enact one of our old favorite drinking games from days past . to help get you started just let me say " one fat hen and a couple of ducks " catch up soon mate and good luck to you both
re: Broome to CooktownJane How the heck did your car get so dirty Sonia??? The track was dry as a bone when we went through!!!
re: Cape TribulationJane Looks like your mate there is holding you up Sonia!!! Must have been a BIG day at the pub!!!
re: Lions DenLynne Muirhead Hi love, have been checking out your photos, all so fabulous, miss you heaps, looks like you guys are having an absolute ball - would love to be there with you.... we'll start saving..... xx Rhys (glen's son) has just been up from Sydney with his German girlfriend for a few days which has been fun, but other than that we're just WORKING like all the other mugs - except of course it's Friday and you know what that means!! Haha... xx
re: Broome, Western AustraliaJane Bwahahaha Dabsie, you really ARE a natural!! Thanks for the graphic to go with our phone call xx
re: QuondongGlen Sounds great guys - we're very envious but look forward to seeing you soon. Keep having fun you b******s!!!
re: Kununarra, Western Australia- last visited

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jim mac gidday Gary " c grade peerless " aka Dabbsie and plenty of others . just spoke to westy who told me about your blog spot , you have some great photos mate and it looks like your having a great time , good on ya , However it occured to me that in your photos you are trying to enact one of our old favorite drinking games from days past . to help get you started just let me say " one fat hen and a couple of ducks " catch up soon mate and good luck to you both