I've been keeping an eye on your blog. I just keep getting carried away and forgetting to post. Hope you enjoyed all your traveling and sorry I didn't post while this blog was still alive. the UK needs volunteers too. Don't forget.
Prashant Mistry
So after 9months (252days) of volunteering and travelling around the world I am on the last day of my amazing trip! I can’t believe that I will be coming back to the UK tomorrow! See you all when I get back! Whoop! Whoop!
Prashant Mistry
Hi Everyone!!
So I have just finished volunteering in the jungles of Costa Rica which was amazing and I am now in the Urban Jungle that is LA!!
Hola Civilisation!!
Prashant Mistry
Hi Everyone!
I’m just popping off into the jungle in Costa Rica for 4 weeks doing rainforest and marine conservation!
Adios Civilisation!
Hi Charlotte and James!
Hope you both are well and enjoyed your time in Cusco. The hot springs at Colca were pretty cool but I'm pretty sure that taking the group photo with my underwater camera there kind of caused it not to work properly. I can't believe it survived diving in the Philippines, surfing in Oz, white water rafting in NZ and Peru and swimming in the Amazon River only to break in what was basically a warm outdoor swimming pool at altitude ….. never mind…., it still works, but not underwater :o(. But never fear, I also have my back up camera so the pictures and video diaries are still being taken :o). James, hope everything is going well at Sandhurst, I'm pretty sure you are cruising through it but just be careful when opening car doors…. you don't want to break all the windows….Ha! Central America is pretty cool and I am currently in Nicaragua seeing the volcanoes which are amazing!
All the best and you both take care!
Hi Prash,
Great to read about our adventures on your blog - it brought back some great memories! You forgot about Colca though - the fab hot springs and underwater photos :)
Glad you're having a good time, Guatemala sounds awesome!
Take Care x
Prashant Mistry
Hi Everyone!
Sorry for not posting on the message board for a while.
Uncle, thanks so much for your message. It was a nice surprise and I really appreciated your advice.
Gulabmama, great to see your message and I hope you are all well.
Josh and Will! Cool to hear from you guys. Hope all went well in your travels and uni is going good. Dude, the red vest you guys gave me is world famous! Everyone I have met has signed it to the point that there is hardly any space left on it! Will, all I have to say is…. keep your clothes on buddy…. it's better for everyone that way! Ha! Hey, I hear you and some friends are raising money for the Leukaemia Foundation by shaving your heads! Wow! That would be something! All the best and good luck with reaching your target! You're helping a great cause!
Nikki! Great to hear you guys found the blog! Yep, I am still the No.1 Oreo consumer here in Central America and the guys I am doing the Ethical Trail through Central America and the Rainforest Conservation are avidly awaiting the opportunity to watch the 'You Don't Mess With The Zohan' DVD! And as for the Robot, well, how can I refuse a breakdancing challenge... ok I know I lost to Elliott's New Zealand Rugby Haka but it was close call! Good luck with all the Doctor stuff!
Mum, Dad and Sima! Thanks for your message! Yep, it was tough not showering for a few days on the Lares Trek but I just about got through it, even with the altitude sickness! Talk about roughing it…I was a bit smelly by the end of it though! You guys would have been proud!
So, my current update is that I am on my last project doing an Ethical Trail across Central America for 6 weeks and then I will be doing Rainforest Conservation in Costa Rica for 4 weeks. We have been on the road a fair bit over the last two weeks. We went from Mexico where we saw the ruins in Teotihuacan and Palenque and then we went to Guatemala and we trekked the active Pacaya volcano and saw live molten lava and even toasted some bread over it… smokin! It even erupted three days ago! We have also been to lake Atitlan in Guatemala which was a great place, especially for cliff jumping and super chilled and then saw the Mayan ruins at Tikal which were incredible and we even had the opportunity to camp at the ruins! I woke up with a scorpion inside my sleeping bag… now THAT was a surprise! We just arrived in Honduras yesterday and saw the Copan ruins and we are now at a place called La Ceiba in Honduras where we are staying for the night before we go to Roatán island tomorrow. We may even get the opportunity to dive and see the second largest coral reef in the world! Now that would be amazing!
Well that's about it for the moment. Will try to get the blog updated as soon as I can.
Hope all is well in the UK. I heard the volcano erupting in Iceland is causing havoc with its ash cloud and has grounded flights in the UK and Europe until today. Hope you guys have not been affected.
Really enjoyed reading the messages so keep them coming!
Best wishes!
Mum Dad Sima
Hi Prash Robot dancing !!!!!!!
We were wondering how you were getting on . Wow seeing your pictures and update you uploaded yesterday was great Cant beleave you have not being having a shower every day. Thanks
Have a great time
Lots of Love Mum Sima Dad
Hi Prash!!
We finally made it onto your blog! It's fantastic. You left out a couple of things though - like the number of Oreos consumed on the trip! And that you dance the 'robot' like a pro til 4 am! Also, I remember the "falling into the Urubamba" differently. As I recall, I waited in the ragin river while Freddy helped Charlotte pull you out, then it was my turn to be rescued!!
I'm so glad you did make it on the trek - you weren't kidding about how bad you looked. At one stage I thought I saw a condor and I told everyone you'd probably died, but that that could be our sacrifice to Pachumama to stop the rain!!!
Miss my travel buddy tooooo much. How many times have you watched the Zohan?
Its Josh from Vietnam!!!!! How are you???? Looks and sounds like your having an amazing time!!! I can't wait to plan my next adventure! currently saving the cash in Perth! Hope you've not forgotten about me and william! We certainly havn't forgotten about you!! I've got some amazing photos of you running away from naked will!! hahaha. Anyway send me an email some time and let me know how your doing!!! all the best!!
Gulab Mama
Hello Prashant, I have reviewed your posts and wish I was there ! Keep up the good work and be safe.
jai sai ram.
when you see all the beauty of nature , do rember the lord who created it all.