Hi All!!
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Gotta say it is awesome having a hot and sunny Christmas here in Austrailia (however it does feel a bit odd) but I hear it is snowing in the UK!! Happy Holidays!!
Best wishes!
Hi Prash
So nice to see you on the video lovely pictures of children eating birthday cake what a privilege you have had.
Lots of DIY to do when you come home as you are so experienced did not wear gloves either are your hands rough'' shame.
Miss you lots
Love Mums
Hi Prash
Wow just dont know how quickly the time has flown by. Lovely pictures .Wow the bricks are in line and the wall looks good Take care
Prashant Mistry
Hi All!!
Thanks so much for all of your messages and birthday wishes! They are great!! I'm having a great time with the volunteering and I can't believe that the marine conservation in the Philippines has finished and I'm on my next volunteer project in Vietnam!! Got some more photos and videos posted on the blog for you guys to enjoy!! Hey Laurence!! Dude, you're gonna have to keep on counting those exclanation marks as they are gonna keep on coming!! George, no need to be worried about Lionfish, their spines are poisonous but they will give you plenty of warning signs before the are gonna come at you, but you can physically see them watching you as you swim past... pretty cool and Mum, your cooking is famous!!!
Thanks again for all the messages everyone!!
Take care!!
Your photo's are amazing and it looks like you are having a truely awesome time. Love the Michael Jackson glove photo :-)
I hope your ear is feeling better and didn't get in the way of too much diving. Good luck and best wishes for the next part of your journey.
Hey Prash. Is it wrong that i'm absolutely terrified of the lion fish. I can't believe you have been out there for over a month. The thing I most jealous of is the cave trip you had. Im glad the glitter glove is not letting anyone down. Good job with all the posting as well. Enjoy vietnam.
From the other posts, I gather it's your birthday. I wish you were still working with us so you can bring in some of your mom's fried bahji.
Laurence Pawling
Prash you're having far too much fun! I'm thinking of instigating a "guess the number of exclamation marks in the next post" competition round the office! :-P
Keep updating us!
Oh, and Happy Birthday for tomorrow!
Happy Birthday Prash for Thursday
Love and Blessings from all at home
Safe journey to Vietnam
Sima Mistry
Hey Prash, just read your blog, congrats as your now a Rescue Diver - i guess the Hassel Hoff needs to watch out now! ...lol
Been shooting today - now back as Kings road - probably as wet as you get when you go diving - but a lot colder ! Looking forward to seeing the new pictures!
Just seen your underwater pictures - but i want video - but in the meantime lots more pictures please !
Nice watch Prash! a little small though?...lol
Glad your having such a good time. Can't wait to see more pics.
You take care