Hi Everyone!!
I hope you are all well!
So you all may be wondering where and what will I be doing over the next 9 months during this international volunteering adventure that I have embarked on….…..
Well, what I have done is listed a brief outline of the countries and projects that I will be helping out in over the course of my travels.
Prashant's International Volunteering Adventure Schedule:
- 29th October - 2nd December 2009 - Marine Conservation with Coral Cay in the Philippines (5 weeks).
- 3rd December - 16th December 2009 - Building homes for underprivileged families in Vietnam (2 weeks).
- 16th Dec 2009 - 8th Jan 2010 - Nature conservation in Melbourne Australia (3 weeks).
- 10th Jan - 31st Jan 2010 - Family visiting me in Australia.
- 10th February - 11th February 2010 Panama - Meeting up with friends.
- 11th Feb 2010 - 19th Mar 2010 Rainforest Expedition in the Ecuadorian Amazon with Global Vision International (GVI) (5 weeks).
- 20th Mar 2010 - 3rd April 2010 - Inca trail conservation and trekking in Peru (2 weeks).
- 4th April - 14th June 2010 - Central America Ethical Adventure Trail (10 weeks) visiting and volunteering in the following countries:
• Mexico
• Belize
• Guatemala
• Honduras
• Nicaragua
• Costa Rica
- 19th June - 5th July 2010 Colorado - Grand Canyon, where my sister is also flying out and meeting me (2 weeks).
- 5th July 2010 Fly home.
I know, it really does sound exciting and the amazing thing is that the adventure has already begun!!!!
I am currently in the Philippines at the Coral Cay marine conservation site in Napantao which is in a remote location on the southern part of Leyte island in the Philippines. Coral Cay Conservation (CCC) are an organisation that's really doing something positive for this world of ours - and anyone can help by taking an active role in the work that CCC do. Each year, hundreds of international volunteers join CCC expeditions to help alleviate poverty by providing countries with the information they desperately need to protect and sustainably use their tropical forests and coral reefs.
I arrived on Thurs 29thOct 2009 (4 days ago) and I have to say that it is absolutely incredible here! The people here are fantastic and everyone out here is doing something amazing. The life is very simple here but the whole diving and science has opened me up to a whole new world! And I went for my first ever dive yesterday (Saturday 31st Oct 2009)!! The coral was teeming with wildlife and I saw a Clown fish (the one in the film "Finding Nemo"), a Lion fish, Clams that change colour, Star fish and a whole bunch of others that I have yet to learn. Whoo-Hoo!!! I have to say that it was truly AWESOME!! I have had no scuba diving experience before ( I know, I know, many of you know me as a swimmer but scuba diving is completely different and so I am a complete beginner) and so Coral Cay Conservation will teach you how to dive in this amazing location as well as train you up in the science. I still have a lot to learn as I have only just arrived and started but I will keep you posted on my progress and experiences…. And of course, there will be plenty of pictures, I even have an underwater camera!!!
Well, that is the end of my 1st blog entry and until the next blog….. bye bye……….!!
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