Okay so today was my last full day in Melbourne!
I went to the MCG (Melbourne cricket Ground) and had a little tour around, which was actually pretty cool! Then i went up the rialto towers which offers 360 degree views of melbourne, needless to say i took a few pics!
I walked through town for some lunch where i found some more shops! these shops were awesome, it looked like just an office block, but inside was amazing; marble floors, leather couches, top quality shops, and a casino. top notch! My kind of shopping!
Wasted the afternoon away, been pretty hot today, a little breezy but mainly hot (hahahaha).
In the evening i went to the Eureka Skydeck and took some photos of melbourne at night, which proved pretty hard as the muppets had lots of flashing lights inside which caused big reflections in the windows! I did go outside on the 99th floor or something stupid, was flippin' cold, but managed to get soe ok pics.
Off to Cairns tomorrow, apparently it is even hotter there, i dont know how i will cope :) haha.
Hope you are all ok back home and enjoying your weather?!! Hope everyone is excited about Christmas too, gutted i am missing it, doesn't feel Christmassy at all here!
Take Care - Love you all xxx
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