Amazing trip up the Alaska Highway. Kids had a blast at the amazing sign post at Watson Lake. The weather and the highways have been fantastic since we left Liard. I'm struck by how well this City does at tourism and creating a liveable city in the Arctic. Great walking trails around the Yukon River and most of the attractions including the SS Klondike and the Fish Ladder are free of charge. I love this City!
We are staying at the quant Robert Service Campground on the edge of downtown. It's a private campground with a real backpackers feel to it. Cut your own firewood, roll your own joint etc etc. They have wifi at $10 a day but we decided to come hag out at air conditioned Starbucks for air conditioning and free Internet. I love the feeling of being so disconnected. No cell service, no email, no social media unless we seek it out.
Yesterday we spent a lovely day with the Schwarz family who are also vacationing in the Yukon. We started the day with a hike to Burt Law Island where Steve and Michelle had the day prior discovered an awesome raspberry patch. We all pigged out before heading to the Yukon Energy power dam to see the Salmon ladders. Pretty cool and educational for the kids. Road school done for the day.
It was blistering hot in the afternoon so we hung out in the shade next to a public fountain for a few hours before touring the SS Klondike and hunting down an Ice cream parlour. We then had a much needed swim at Ear Lake followed by dinner and a few beers at our campsite. The four kids had so much fun together and ended the evening with an elaborate interpretive dance show set to music in the common area of the campground. It was an awesome visit but the kids were sad to be back to goodbyes again.
Today we are chill axing in Whitehorse. Deb cracked a tooth so she is about to take off for a dental appointment. Mira is emailing friends and Shannon and are are playing backgammon. Tomorrow we will head towards Dawson City with a stopover at Tombstone Territorial Park on the Dempster Highway. Rather than do the entire Dempster we have decided to take the Top of the World highway over to Kluane National Park and then down to Haines where we will catch our ferry.
All is well and were having a ball. Life is good when you have access to a shower, fresh coffee and don't have to set up camp in the rain. All the rest is gravy. We even got a chance to do our laundry yesterday! Signing off for a while and heading to the Yukon Museum for some gold panning. Oh yes, Shannon lost her two front teeth.
- comments
Mom Such an interesting place to visit. Great blogging.....keep it up...all well here.....looking forward to New York...