So we got up early and decided to go to White water world as we hadnt been there yet. Got there really early and it was worth it because we could just walk on all the rides and had park to ourselves even though it was a Saturday! The rides were amazing and we both loved them. We managed to get on everything a few times so we decided to pop ove the road to Dream world which has Dreamworks things like kung fu panda and madagascar rides and also big scary rides. We went on alot of these and I was really nervous about one in particular because it went super fast straght away then took you high then you fall back down but I loved it. We had seen signs up for a sunset safari and was intregued as it was cheap but had great reviews. We managed to get slotted in that night so we went on more rides and seen some animals before the time came.
We met at the tiger kingdom and was introduceed to our tour guide who was a wee kl guy. He first of all passed us over to the tiger keeper who we could ask anything to as he took us behind the scenes to meet the tigers up close and personal as well as see them get put to bed and ready for dinner. They were soo close to us it was amazing. One cub even grabbed the fire extinguisher as a chew toy it was funny to see. Me and ross felt so lucky to be this close to tigers and we loved every minute of it. Before we could get our head around just what we had witnessed we were taken behind the scenes of the farm animals and then into the vet clinic. Here we seen quarantined animals and sick ones, also xrays of previous patients that they had fixed and heard stories of how they got the bigger animals in there. We then went to the food prep area and was shown the freezer where they kept chicks and horse and fly pupae for the carnivores but also shown how much veg they o hru a day to keep everyone happy. We went outside to meet a python up close which we could touch and hold, then a bilby, bandicoot and then we got taken to the koalas.
Here we met a wee koala up close and could give it hugs it was so cute. We also seen the only blue eyed koala ever recorded his name is Logan and he was lovely. While we were in there all the koalas were very active because of the time of day so me and Ross were in our element watching them all interacting and everything so close to us :)
It was now pitch black and the tourguide was taking us though the rest with his torch, it was creepy being in the park at night but really awesome. We then went to kangaroos and seen them geting ready to bed, then the crocodiles and he emus. We stopped for a bite to eat then went to the dingos. We went to their beds and seen them get put to bed and heard funny stories about them. Also heard that we were very lucky to go to Frazer island because that is the last place on earth you can see pure bred dingoes left because in australia they mate with normal dogs. We absolutely loved the day, just made us love animals even more which we didnt tink was possible lol.
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