Ok, nevertheless, in every travel guidebook the topic of footwear is covered, "take comfortable shoes that you know", and as a somewhat seasoned traveler, I heeded those warnings and brought the same brown air soled loafers that carried me through Ireland, Portugal and China, and the same Rider brand flip flops from Brazil that were a blessing in the heat of Southeast Asia. However, this time I also brought a brand new pair of unworn Penguin brand sneakers that are just a fashiony knock off version of Converse.
Well, first day in Panama, freshly showered, what shoes do I choose to wear? The new ones. After fifteen minutes of walking in the Panamanian heat, my feet blistered so bad the right shoe dampened with blood, the fault of my well coordinated, but poorly planned shoes.
For the next few days I was relegated to flip flops and band aids, that was until my much heralded, and well traveled right flip flop bit it on the shaggy, cobblestone streets of Encarnacion. I hobbled down the sidewalk with a flip flop that was not securely fastened, on a Sunday, when every store in town was closed. Even beggars looked a me funny.
On Monday, I bought new flip flops for $6, a lot less than what I paid in the states, and more band-aids. There curious thing about band-aids in Paraguay, they are sold by the strip and not the box. I bought ten.
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