Yo yo everyone,
My apologies for the delay on the blog entry, I have had a jammed packed schedule since my last rant. I randomly just decided to check whether or not I had any comments or messages on my blog and I have loads, sorry I haven't replied to you all, I only just dicovered them and there are too many to get back too, however I will definitely respond to you when I next get a message.
The squash training is going well Jamo, I'll kick your ass when I get back :) So many people actually think I am travelling can you believe itwww, I have you all fooled, I have just gone to squash camp so that I can beat my nemesis Jamo Gay Gay O'neill haha:)
Right then then the events of the last few days, there has been alot. So the massively retarded route that I took was pretty scenic, definitely not all bad, I will upload the pics onto Facebook at some point so that you can all have a goosey gander.
So when I touched down on Ko Tao island, after stopping at every island on the way (retarded route) I made my way over to the Crystal dive resort where I had planned to meet up with Aisleen (one of the irsh girls). Siobhan (that is such a s***e way of spelling that name by the way, who made that up?) had lost her passport so she was trying to sort stuff out, however to my surprise they were both there on my arrival which was cool. They were staying at the dive resort while I stayed in some massively pikey accomodation nearby, literally a random room at the back of a shop, it looked like something out of a horror film, I survived though :)
We spent the next couple of days together chilling in an awesome infinity pool right on the beach by day and getting wasted in a place called Lotus Bar on the beach on the West coast of the island by night.......not bad at all.
As you all know I had planned to meet Hellana to do the PADI diving course together, but her travelling arrangements had been messed up by the toursist board which meant that she arrived a day later then she had intended, bad times.
I made the walk from the west coast where I was staying to the south coast where I was planning on diving with Hallana, which was a 5km treck each way in the blistering heat with a token lady boy (the ones on this island are all proper manly) at every shop shouting and hollering sweet nothings to me......why does Thailand have such a high percentage of lady boys??? They obviously dont bring them up right over here :)
Anywho, I got myself booked up at a place called Buddha View, its so cool here and chilled, it just looks like a postcard. I met my dive group on the 17th (not too sure what day that was) for our introduction, and for a bit of studying (studying on holiday I must be mad). My diving group are great I have Hanus the instructor from Italy (but with a German accent.....strange I know), he is a proper hero. We also have Shamik, Dave and Ryan from the UK, Jack from Holland, Hellana (who you all know about) and another girl from America called Davina, they are all pretty awesome.
Anyway me and the guys all went out to a massive party called Castle party on the island the night before we had our first proper day of diving, we also met the Irish girls there too. Needless to say the night descended into carnage, loads of buckets of alcohol were consumed, proper awesome night though. As a result of my drunken antics I rocked up 20 mins late to my first proper study session in the classroom, oops, it was all cool though, felt a little bad.
I have done some basic diving tasks in the pool, one dive in the sea at 6 meters, and today we did 2 dives at 12m, which was cool. We saw loads of fish, Morray Eels, a huge school of Baracuda, it was great. My last day of diving is tomorrow with 2 dives at 18m, should be cool. Everyone is basically travelling together to Ko Phangan for the full moon party which is really cool, I am assembling a proper squad of people to meet at the party, should be messy.
I have had some quality nights out on Ko Tao, last night was no different, we all went out, including 2 Candians who are also diving here called Jesse and Jeff, they are cool. The night again descended kaos, there are so many grey areas, needless to say numerous buckets were consumed again and I appear to have a massive hickey (not sure how you spell that) on my chest :) Oops, I can't for the life of me remeber how the hell that got there i, I just hope it was a girl :)
Hellana hasn't really been out with us at all because she has been struggling with her diving but it has been cool seeing her.
Like I said we are all heading to Ko Phangan tomorrow, including Hellana so we will have a proper night of carnage then. I think that I might actually be travelling around Cambodia too, which will be cool. She is going to be off to Laos for a week before going there and I will be in Vietnam for a week before heading there, so it makes sense.
Right I have Shamik standing over my shoulder now so I am gona go.
Over and out x
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