Great to hear from you today and just had a read of the latest blog, sounds like you are getting every penny of value from your hard earned wages. Bet you didn't think you would be doing so much so soon, but hey, its only 247 days three hours 27 mins until you will be home, so make the most of it. No souvenirs from the museum on Friday thanks, but I bet it will be the most memorable birthday you're ever going to have. lots of love Mum and dad....sorry about the paa thing!
Well treasure, I am missing you sooo much!! it was really good to hear from you the other day|!! even if i could only say a few words!!! glad you are having an amazing time!! cant wait for you to come home, but in the meanwhile stay safe and enjoy yourself!!! love u always Sarah xx
Iain And Pen
Hey Pippa glad to hear you're past the first day nerves.....think it was a bigger step initially than you thought it was going to be, now you're there and doing stuff if must be brilliant as every day is going to be different. Pen and I are going over to Menston later today to get your mum and dad drunk....they're mising you!!! Looking forward to keeping track of you. Have a great time and take care. Love and hugs Iain and Pen
Ali Walters
Now then kidda, really glad to hear that you got there safe and sound.
Have not spoken to the folks so don't know what level of vallium they are taking now you've gone. Bless them.
Pleased that you have met up with some other girls, if they have been traveling their advice will probably be sound.
Take care, stay safe, and have a time of your life. Love ya kidda Ali
Hello people...just wanted to let you know that i'm safe and sound in Cambodia (this is mainly a message for my nanna cos i know she'll be worrying like crazy)!! Had absolutely no trouble at the border as it was all further up north. Having an amazing time here, i love Cambodia!!! Already visited the beautiful temples, a floating villiage, the Great Lake and took gifts and food to an orphanage today which was very emotional. Thinking of going Angelina Jolie style and adopting one of them...hahaha, no but really you can't help fall in love with them they're so happy and smiley even though they have nothing! Anyway will write a blog soon,
All my love
Pippa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey pipsqueak, I MISS YOU! glad 2c u have already started with the blogs, its nice 2no where about u r in the world treasure. Hope your enjoying cambodia, love u lots xxxxxx
hey hun, just read ure first blog glad to c u found ure way to the drink already lol! hope ure stil having fun and will keep checking in 4 updates. luv u loads xxx
C, A And K. Ashton.
hi pippa,
it's a cold, dreary, thursday night in newton mearns kikre is tonight staying in dundee now working there 5 days a week overnight, mum and i are sitting here watching some regular sky shows, nice to hear that you are ok and looking forwar to the trip to cambodia, take care and keep us up to date, anne says hello.
Hugs and Kisses.
C, A and K Ashton.
Hi ya
It was soooo good to hear your voice this morning (between the yawns !!!!) and the motherly thing is - try and get a good nights sleep 2night before you set off 2morrow. You'll be glad to know you left England at the right time, because guess what - its raining 2day. I forgot to say this morning thank you sooooo much for the beautiful card you left for your Dad and I which I have put beside my bed so when I am missing you, I can read it again and again !!!!!!!!
Lots and lots of love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well..uve been gone 2 days and theres already a nice big scratch down ur car! Jokes..but i nearly scratched it :)
Hows bangkok? And btw disappointed with that entry! i was expecting page upon page of writing!
Come on dont let the brown family down! Just wait until i travel the world..ill show u how its done!
Anyway ill skip the missyou part as you've only been gone 2 days!
loveyou xxx
Aaaww im missing u so much already. Enjoy yourself...ul have the time of ur life. Be careful + il keep reading ur adventures on here.
Love you xxxx
Chris. Anne And Kirke.
Hi Pippa,
We got your letter ( don't get drunk too much haha) just wanted to let know we are thinking off you and hope you have a fantastic time. We are looking forward to following your tavel via the web. Take care but most off all have a great time.