Day 75 10th feb
Ok, so ear plugs don't work....
If I've had an hours sleep I'll be surprised.... Shiree's done slightly better, but then, she can sleep anywhere.... Dam these young party people.... The conversations held by drunk people as they noisily walk passed our hotel would be hilarious if they were not held at 5am....
We climb out of bed and head down stairs for breakfast.... This hotel doesn't offer free breakfast for overnight guests so it has to be bought.... And for sheer convenience we choose to eat at the hotel..... They have muesli with natural yogurt and fruit which is good with us !!
The restaurant area is out in the fresh air which is nice, and relatively cool in the morning..., it's also in the shade so we just sit there for a while watching the world go by.... Our hotels situated next to one of the main paths to the beach so there's plenty of foot fall....
We do eventually make it back up to our room again.... Shiree's not feeling great so lies down on the bed for a couple of hours....lack of sleep and extreme heat is taking its toll... But personally I think she's attempting to have a cheeky sleep, but she doesn't....
Our intention was to have an easy morning followed by a boat trip to a number of islands for snorkelling followed by a sunset view point on the boat, but as the departure time approaches Shiree's feeling only 79% fixed... We decide to leave the boat trip as we're predominantly on Islands now till we go home so will have ample opportunity.
We leave the hotel and walk to the cafe we visited on the morning of the dive day.... It was quiet and calm when we were last there and shaded.... When we arrive this time it's busier, but still calm so we grab some food and take root for a few hours....
From here we head back to the hotel and Shiree sleeps.... For ages !! And I use the time to catch up on some blog writing...
It's 17.40 by the time we leave the hotel.. Shiree's feeling much better again so we head in search of the mosque.... We have passed signs for the mosque all over the island, and we've heard the call for prayer from the sound system but I've not actually seen it.... We wonder the paths half following the signs half just taking in the sights of new paths and before long, half planned, half by luck we walk right passed it... This mosque is different from many we have seen... It's smaller and blends in with the surrounding buildings easily, and if it were not for the large 8ft high chrome gates you could walk by without realising.... It's also not open to tourists so we take a few photos and keep on walking... It never takes long to walk to either beach in Ko Phi Phi and within a couple of minutes the path stops at a T junction with the narrow beach beyond...
We turn right at the junction and enter a path that we've not been on before.. It's a connecting path that leads between smaller beaches and leads us back to the larger pier beach that we're used too... There are a couple of beach front shops and restaurants along the way, and as we approach the larger beach we stop to look around a leather handbag shop... They have many bags hanging all over the shop and will make any design you want in any colour.... They feel really nice and I try to get Shiree to buy herself one, but she's having non of it... Next door is a pharmacy and in here we buy two drinks to have on the beach as the last of the days light slowly fades away.... There's live music playing in a bar close-by so we find two large rocks in the sand to sit on and listen in...
It's nice... Just chilled and relaxing..
After a while we walk into the central labyrinth of paths and enter an Irish bar that was packed the previous night as a Ireland V Wales Rudy six nations game was on, but it's pretty quite now...
I'm after a Guinness and assume that this would be the place to find it... But I have no luck....
I get talking to one of the bar tenders... He tells me that the Irish bar has no Irish employes, has no Irish drinks, and the bars name is not Irish.... So we agree that really, it is a very Irish bar after all...
He does point us to another bar two buildings up the path that does serve Guinness and cider so after finishing our drinks we head there.....
This bar has a great selection so we stop for a couple then purchase a Vodka bucket before heading off to Party Beach..... We figure, if you can't beat them, you may as well join them, and join them we do... The music is blaring out and the fire shows are in full swing.... Spectator participation is required..... Shiree gives it the whole "if you do it, I'll do it" so off I go.... How hard can it be to jump through a fire ring.... As it turns out not that difficult.... Getting a photo of it however proves to be a little harder, so off I go again, and this time Shiree will look in the right direction with the camera..... just as I'm about to launch into another jump the fire ring is thrown to the sand and the flames are extinguished and the act moves onto something else....
The guys that work the fire shows are brilliant.... They clearly spend there lives going over and over there routine and it shows.... There's still an eliminate of Thai about them though.... There are many bottles lying around with a liquid that's obviously flammable, it's poured onto fabric parts of the fire equipment and once light stays burning for around 10 mins without needing anymore fluid adding.... They smoke whilst working with the flammable liquid and if any unburnt liquid ends up on there hands whilst there soaking the fire sticks with it, they just wipe it off on the clothes of a unsuspecting fellow performer...
We sit back and enjoy the rest of our Vodka bucket whilst taking photos of the show before joining others on the dance floor for a while, but it's not long before hunger sets in, so we leave the drink fuelled dancers in the sand are off, back to the bar that sells the Guinness for some dinner before heading back to the hotel around 01.30.... It's late enough for us, so in go the ear plugs and off to sleep we attempt to go......
- comments
Clarke It sounds as if your lovers need a rest asmuch as you do x
Nikki Glad you decided to join in the bucket drinking! Whoop whoop! PARTY! xx