Today I went into Huntingdon and did a bit of shopping and hanging about. I decided to go for a wander down to the bus station to see where I could go off too. I hung about for a while before I decided to take a trip to St. Neots, where my father was born. I hopped on the bus and it took about half an hour through the English Countryside to get there.
St. Neots is quite a big town, by Huntingdon standards, with a big church and a nice central market square. I went to have a look at the church, which was unfortunately closed, but which had a really cool, gnarly old graveyard. I took some photos of the church and in the graveyeard, (Mostly of me playing silly buggars, lying between the wonky gravestones and such). The whole place had a really eerie old feel to it, I always find graveyards all the more fascinating when the graves are among the trees. St. Neots modern shops are in really old buildings along the main high street, but most places are like that in this part of the world.
I got the bus back to Huntingdon and went over and hung out with Bev and Elizabeth for the night. Elizabeth, my almost two year old second cousin, completely wore me out. I had dinner over there, watched a movie and ate junk food. Aunty Chris also came over and watched the movie with us and drove me home.
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