Today started out pretty much the way you would expect after last night's antics. With me getting up just in time for breakfast, eating breakfast, copping a lot of jokes about how drunk I was and then going back to bed until 1pm, waking up watching some TV and then at about 3pm coming to the awful realization that I was starving and that I would have to go all the way into the town, and sit down at a café to get food.
That however, is where the expectations ended. I did walk down into town, after sitting with Andy and procrastinating about it for about twenty minutes, I did go and sit in the restaurant by the lake and order way too much food and for the first half an hour I sat there by myself enjoying the peace and quiet.
Then something happened I did not expect, two very good looking men, (whom at first I thought were Turkish because they were smiling and laughing) came into the restaurant and started trying to make the waitress laugh. The younger one was stunningly good looking and I couldn't stop myself from downright staring at him. He had the biggest grin on his face and was wearing a shirt that said Moscow never sleeps with a big red communist star on it, which made me think he wasn't from Russia even more. His friend who looked considerably older, decided to sit down at my table and attempt to make conversation with me, which took me by surprise, especially when I found out both guys were actually Russians. Making conversation with strangers is generally not the Russian way. Looking grumpy and staring at tourists like they're scum is generally the Russian way.
He spoke basically no English, but I managed to get out of him that he was thirty six and that his name was Costa. He also told me I was beautiful, something told to me often and by many sleazy Arabs looking to pick up white women in Egypt, but something never before said to me in Russia, so I was again taken by surprise and didn't really know how to react. He was trying to hold a conversation with me for about ten minutes, before his young friend came over and Costa introduced him as Valera. Unlike Costa, Valera spoke absolutely no English at all. I was still sitting down and he was kind of standing over me, he looked down at me, grabbed my hand and kissed it. Wow, I thought to myself, I wonder how many points I get for that! (Well in truth I thought that later, at that point I couldn't think of anything but how damn good looking Valera was)
I basically knew Costa had been trying to chat me up, but as soon as Valera sat down that was the end of that. I sat there trying to hold a conversation with both of them, Valera didn't seem to care that I couldn't understand him. He was really energetic and kept getting up and dancing to the faint music that was on, kissing Costa on the cheek and making him uncomfortable and just generally showing off.
The restaurant was right on the lake and there was a wooden platform on the edge which I was dragged out to. The three of us climbed over it and sat with our feet over the edge. Valera, again showing off kept pointing at the water and at himself, obviously intending to jump in the lake. Having jumped in the freezing plunge pool yesterday I knew how cold the lake probably was and the fact this it was probably colder even that the plunge pool. Valera proceeded to strip off all his clothes, right down to his jocks, again I couldn't stop looking. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him, he had huge biceps, broad shoulders and muscular legs. Costa must have caught me checking him out, because he simply pointed at Valera and said, Sportsman.
Valera stood looking at the freezing lake for a while, before looking back at me and giving me a big cheeky grin, which just about made me melt and dived head first into the lake. He stayed in for about five minutes and then Costa had to help him back up onto the dock. He shook himself like a dog, basically all over me and laughed and then jumped back in for another go. He sat next to me in the sun trying to dry himself off, his amazing body glistening in the sunlight, before getting dressed again. I noticed that he was still shivering even though he was now in dry clothes the lake must have been absolutely freezing.
We sat in the sun trying to keep warm, he even put his arm around me at one point. He even started making kissy faces at me. He was still shivering, and I thought oh well he obviously likes me so I put my arms around him and gave him a big hug to try and stop him shivering. I couldn't understand what he said, but he was smiling and he cuddled up to me so he obviously appreciated it.
Valera dried off and we went back inside and I sat with them, I was still pretty hung over and they kept trying to offer me vodka from the bottle they had on their table. I really need to learn the Russian word for Hang Over I thought to myself. I did eventually have one shot with them, I then pointed to the cuts on my knees from last night's fall and said Russian Vodka, which made them both laugh. Valera went back outside for a cigarette and took me with him, much to Costa's obvious annoyance. We climbed back over the fence and sat on the edge of the dock over-looking the lake. He started making kissy faces at me again, and this time decided to try his luck and actually kiss me quickly on the lips. I don't know why this surprised me, maybe I thought he had been all talk up until this point. All talk, funny saying, as neither of us could actually effectively communicate with each other.
As I reacted well I guess he decided to give me a bigger kiss and right on the shores of Lake Baikal, the deepest lake in the world, I was kissed more deeply than I ever had before, by a man whom three hours ago I hadn't even known existed. I know I seem to be making a habit of this after Stefan in Greece, but this was a totally different experience. Stefan was cheeky in the way he kissed me, He knew I was slightly uncomfortable and kept saying Relax this is Greece and he kissed me knowing I wouldn't pull away, probably the way he's kissed a hundred girls on holiday before me. It was sweet and it was fun, but it was nothing like this.
When Valera kissed me, he put one hand behind my head and slightly tipped me to one side, almost expecting me to make a break for it. He didn't kiss me like he had done this every day this week, he kissed me like he had been waiting for me all his life, like I would disappear into thin air at any moment. He looked me straight in the eyes, smiled and said in his amazing deep voice, Harasho? (the Russian word for good/awesome etc.) Harasho I said. He smiled yet again, obviously happy I did know a few Russian words and kissed me again.
We went back inside and the rest of the day kind of continued on like that, I think Costa eventually accepted that he had now officially lost to Valera. At about 6pm we were hanging around the front of the restaurant and Andy, Colin and Paul walked past. I was hanging off Valera with one arm and waving at the guys with the other. I vaguely recall Andy giving me the thumbs up from a distance, before going back into the restaurant which the guys had almost turned into a nightclub. They had turned the music up really loud and Valera was dancing around the room, it wasn't long before I was dancing around the room with him. I remember thinking, how can I be having this much fun with someone who can't speak a word of English and who I have basically no chance of communicating with?
At about 6pm, I was asked if I would like to go back to Costa's place for dinner. Russian Borsch, they both kept saying. Russian Borsch with actual Russians, not something to pass up, but I did hear the faint echo of my mother's infamous words, Don't do anything stupid, as I got into a taxi with both of them.
We drove a fair way out of Listvyanka to the next town over, as usual with these situations I made a mental note of where I was being taken. It seemed easy enough, if a long way to get back, just follow the lake if you get desperate, thought. We arrived at Costa's house, a charming wooden structure, overlooking the lake. As soon as I walked in the door, Valera grabbed my hand and hauled me upstairs. I thought, Wow this is going a bit fast, but he was actually just showing off again. This time the amazing view of the lake from the second story window. He pointed proudly, and said Harasho? Harasho, I said and he kissed me again as we watched the sun going down over the lake.
We went and sat in the kitchen and Valera continued to drink yet more Vodka, I don't think I've ever seen anyone drink so much and manage to remain upright. Costa had this tiny little kitten, probably around five weeks old, who looked absolutely terrified of Valera who was still energetically dancing around in his attempt to communicate. I picked the small cat up and put him on my chest and he went to sleep, obviously feeling safer than he had in a long time.
Story Continues in next entry.....
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