Its feels like a long time ago that I imagined that I would be in Seam Reap, Cambodia and now if finally here I didn't post anything yesterday so I'll start from yesterday.
Yesterday we hered of a American guy staying at the hotel that was going to go to a shooting range to shoot a rocket launcher so me Daniel and the guys we meet on the boat decided go along and see a rocket launcher get shot, you can really shot anything here you can even shot a tank and, you can even buy a cow and shot it with a bazooka or throw a grenade at it, it absolutely crazy what you can do if you got a lot of money, so we all got in a van and there were now a few more people that came along to see a rocket launcher get shot and some guys bought some coconuts on the way to shoot, and when we got there, some people came and loaded up the back of the van with AK47s, m16 machine guns, there was a grenade launcher, RPG and full on heavy duty machine gun and loads of ammo, we got to a clearing in a field and there was no training no safety barrier, we all got some toilet paper to put in our ears and the guy from the Netherlands ( Sessel ) shot the M16 first and he hit the coconuts pretty well, then the crazy American got the rocket launcher out and this was epic there was a mountain about 1km away and they got it loaded and put it on his shoulder and it shot up into the sky with a huge bang and it was a good 7 seconds, and bang it exploded on the side of the mountain a good 1km away from where we were, then on of the boys from England ( James ) shot the AK47 then Daniel bought I think 50 round for the big machine gun it was huge I think he only hit one coconut, I didn't want to shot anything I shot a AK47 when we went to the Cu Chi tunnels and that was enough for me, so we got back in the van and left the shooting range. From here we went to go and see the killing fields now I didn't know much about the killing fields except that in accrued about 30 years ago and it was a massive genocide where millions of Cambodians were killed, there are hundreds of killing fields around Cambodia and in each one thousands of Vietnamese were killed, we went to the one that has been made into a memorial and we got in and went on a tour of the killing field, we had ear phones and a mp3 player that we would listen to along the way, it was nice we each could go our own way and take our time, in the centre of the memorial ground there is a glass structure with over 20000 skulls inside these were some of the bones excavated from the mass graves along the way we hered how the brutal Khmer Ruge loaded up into trucks all the people that lived in the city's, and everyone that was educated, that means if you wore glasses you were an intellectual they rounded up all the teachers all the doctors and anyone that they thought would be a treat to the new regime and they took them blind foaled and tied up to the killing fields they say up to 200 people were murdered per night they would all be put into a holding room and one by one during the night would be taken to the edge of a mass grave and bullets were expensive so they would use machetes or axes and hammers to kill the innocent, as they would kill the people they would be playing loud music so that the other people awaiting death would not here their screams, walking along the fields you could see bits of bones and clothes poking out of the ground and it was really hard reality to confront the kind of pain a suffering that occurred right where I was standing, I was doing alright until I got to the side of a mass grave where 250 bodies were found buried these were only women and children and next to the grave there was a large tree and I hered testimonies from the people that committed the killings that at this grave site they would bring a mother and child and would take the child away and hold the baby by the feet and smash it against the trunk of the tree crushing its skull and then throwing it into the mass grave they then would kill the mother, it was too much for me I had to find somewhere to sit down I just couldn't understand how someone could do such a terrible thing and what absolute terror the mother would of felt and all this done for what…? I gathered myself back together and payed my respects and left the memorial pretty shaken up I can't even imagine what life would have been like for the Cambodian people during the crazy regime where millions were killed, if they weren't killed in the killing fields they were put in labour camps and were literally worked to death. The go back to the Hostel and didn't do much we went out for dinner and that was it for yesterday.
Today we left Phenom Phen and got on a bus at 9 30 and had a 6 hour ride to Seam Reap from here we are really close the all the famous temples of Ankor Wat we arrived a 4pm found a place to stay and made friends with a local tuc tuc driver who is going to take us out of the town and off to see the ruins tomorrow this place is a real tourist meka there are night markets everywhere and they are all selling the same things we had diner and went around the markets its got a nice vibe to the town and its quite a bit cooler than in Vietnam so it nice to walk around, tomorrow I have got the tuc tuc picking us up at 9am and then maybe the day after we will go to the ruins a 5am to see the sunrise, but I'm looking forward to seeing the famous temples of Ankor in person tomorrow
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