Hi Bo & Philly! What have you been up to lately? Van still ok? Bo had a go yet?!! We went out for a lovely chinese on Saturday and then went to see Alison Moyet, she was really good! Bit batty as well I think!! Then me and Tom Tom popped to the pub on the way home for a quick drink and ended up out until half three, Tom Tom was super rough on Sunday!! Proper proper rough! Was a little bit funny!! Send an update soon, lots of love xxxx
Kia Ora both
Never mind the rugy did you know Jedward are out of X Factor! LOL Will concur with mami petra - weather AWFUL here in Skewen - can you send us some sun please? Take Care Janxx
Hi both, hope you are ok, not going to mention the weather at home it is terrible. Were all ok did you watch highlights of the welsh match it was rubbish. Rita ok and sends her love xx
Mami Petra
lhey cant believe u got lost looking for ches brother house , ches said he should have come to meet you halfway, anyway I have been out with the running club tonight to the deers leap for a drink and im ok hope you are both ok take care xx
p.s Rhi, dont blow up your neck pillow in the campa van tee hee hee :-P
TTFN xxxxx
Rees Clan & Mike
Well that naughty popster brought another mouse into the house for tag, she screamed and closed the door on them and the mouse got away. Think she is trying to stock pile them for when you get back. We are all off to see Alison Moyet tomorrow night in the diff after our chinese meal - but mike is dragging me around the shops first urgh! I just wanted to go surfing! One day i will go somewhere warm to surf where i dont have to wear a wetsuit.
TTFN xxxx
Alex's Granny
Hi from the other Aunty Janet! Thought this name might save confusion! Finally managed to find your blog - not particularly gifted on web stuff!
Lovely to see where you've been so far. I love the camper! never had you down as a camping variety Rhi, but you've obviously sussed the essentials - making mugs of tea on the move!! Take care and we'll keep in touch now that we've found you!! Bye for now! Janxxx
Rae & Mike
Hey!! photos are awesome! I am very jealous :-) keep them coming :-)
speak to you soon xxxxx
Alice And Janet
Love the photos, the surf looks good!! Keep having fun,
Alice and Janet xx
Alice And Janet
Love the photos, the surf looks good!! Keep having fun,
Alice and Janet xx
Hi campers, Fab photos hope your having a good time take care. julie and peter xxx
P.S. thanks for the maori lesson - Kia Ora was an orange carton drink we used to have when I was young - you have added a whole new meaning to it now! HWYL x