Wow those photo's are FAB - hope you are keeping a note of all the places - you will never remember when you get back - that's if you ever leave - it looks so lush - I mean 'green' lush but it also LUSH lush!!! LOL Carry on Campervanning and stay safe
Jan Jack and Joannexxxxx
Hiya! Lovely to speak to you earlier. A one-way ticket to NZ for my next bday please - I can do relaxed and laid back no problem!!! A walk on the beach, a dip in the thermal pool and starbucks - heaven. Take care. Love you xxxx
Yo Yo! Photos are lush! I love the van! Bo have you driven it yet? You have to have a go! Why would we be jealous! The weather here is lush, I love rain, cold, wind, rain and more wind!! The geothermal pools sound cool! Glad you're enjoying!! Xxx
Hi you two, just watched your slideshow over breakfast before work. Where are all the people just that beach to yourselves. Love the number plate EEK 557, does that mean its got 557 spiders in the boot. Keep enjoying yourself xxx
Hi both llovely pictures, , got to go just seen the time write a message tonight
Alice And Janet
Hey!!! Hope your both ok and having fun - can't wait to see a pic of Rhiannon driving the camper van! Liking the blog,
take care
Alice and Janet xxx :D
Hey (as you go) hope you are ok, weather very windy here today, been up to see mamgu shes ok Alun and Glyn ok today. hows the camper van going? very quiet without you Phil. janet going back to France friday cant believe 2 weeks gone already take care xx
Rae & Mike
Hiya!! whats the campa van like? I am jealous :-) I want a campa van! cant wait to see the photos. Phil are you gonna make rhi have a go of driving it? he he he :-)
speak to you soon, miss you!
love Rae & MIke,
ps Iolo and Taffy say hey :-)
Hey both glad to see that you have written on your blog. just been shopping with dad you can imagine what fun that was, cant wait to see the picture of your camper van (no speeding phil) take care the both of you. xx
Just wanted to say I enjoyed looking at your photos, keep them coming!
I hope you are both having an amazing time!
Miss u!!!
Liz xxx
Jan Pearson
Hi Both - glad to see you enjoying and weather being kind to you - you can guess what our weather is like! I have posted something on here already but it doesn't appear to be showing up - I didn't do any sums first tho so maybe that why - glad to see your mam is nagging long distance Phil - can you drive and blog at the same time then? Take care look forward to following your journey xxxxxx Jan BIG KISS from Jack X
Heloooo!!! The girls are going to be gutted I made it to the blog first!haha! But congratulations on getting it sorted!!...(that's to phil rhi!lol)
So I am expecting loads of interesting stories....long ones like mine!haha! And pictures of the campervan!