Meow! Oooh Phil you are so brave doing that bungy jump! I'm very impressed! I will give you lots of cuddles when you get back now cos I am so proud! Rhi, glad you didn't do it, you would have been very very frightened and I am too far away to make it all better at the moment! Love you both lots and lots, meow meow meow xxxxxxxx
Hiya, heard you're back in the hostel now, how's it this time Rhi?! Been christmas shopping again today, still not finished, got to go back tomorrow! Grrr! Did Mummy tell you I've got some studded leggings now rhi?! They are very cool, won't be cool by the time you get home to borrow them unfortunately though! Is it weird seeing all christmas trees and decorations about when it's warm? It's really super freezing here at the moment, lucky I've got my 800 summit series jacket from Argentina! Have you had any yummy New Zealand wine yet? Send some home for me, mmmm! Speak to you next week when I'm at home, lots of love and big fat licks on the cheek! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wendy And Roy
Just seen your photos wioth yur mum, both looking well . Televison went off the other day will come you back to fix it for me soon Take care xx
Hi guys,snow is no fun without you to play with me - not enough to build a snowcat yet though. So I'm staying indoors keeping your chair warm! Love you. LPxxxxxxxxxxxx
Janet And Alice
Hey, the pics look good and sounds like you're having fun in New Zealand! We were away for a sqaush tournanment last weekend - came 3rd :-) We stayed in a log cabin, but i bet its not as nice as your campervan! We saw some cavapoo puppies advertised in the post so maybe we might get one for you when you come back... only joking :D.
Keep on truckin'!
Janet and Alice xx
Hi Both
Glad to see lots of messages from all your friends to you both - you must find it hard to break away from all that relaxing to read and type messages back LOL
the weather is defo on the decline here and lots of the country has snow Jo is due home later Jack has gone to get her and I can't wait to see her.......they are currently stuck in a traffic jam on the M5 or M4 or somewhere between Exeter and here so neither are amused SO GLAD I am not in the car with them!!! As for bungee jumping OMG I had no idea how brave you are I didn't know you had done that - haven't been on pc for at least 3 days so am suffering withdrawal symptons - Have finished school for 2 weeks holidays now YEAH. Did you know about the Afon LIdo being on fire - spect so - Jo did she saw it on FACEBOOK - well there you go all our news for now = carry on blogging
Stay Safe Jan Jack and Joanne
Hi both just had our first flurry of snow tonight, went to running club in morriston and on the way home it was snowing our street was quite white, no chance of you seeing snow where you are I took Rita xmas shopping today so she has done all hers, I have now done some of mine got to write cards now. Going out to Elleos for xmas lunch tomorrow should be fun on Black Friday not!!! take care love to you both xxxxxxxxxx
Mum Hughes
Hi both hope you are ok, weather here freezing and horrible done some xmas shopping , not quite finished . Nice bungee Phil did Rhiannon do it as well. take care xx
Les & Mumsie
Last meal in Malahide today, so went to the Thai cos we were thinking of you, and its poppy's birthday.
Hi both, looks like your enjoying!! Wish I was there with you Its freezing here! Phil cant believe you done that bunge jump i could never have. Il write again soon back off to work now doing loads of overtime as usual xxx