Well guess you are now in the apartment in Darling Harbour, Sydney.
Get a good nights sleep before you hit the sights, and Bondi Beach for Christmas Day. Don't forget you are half a day ahead so you may get to skype on Christmas Day OZ and Christmas Day Wales, 2 Christmas Days thats the way to do it.
ps at last I,ve got a sum that says 1+1 to post this message
Bye for now, speak soon xxxx
Hey Guys, Hope you have a nice Christmas! Its really cold here, I got snowed in up in merthyr on monday so spent the day building a snowman and sledging, better than going to work anyway! Much rather be in the sun with you guys mind!!! Love Sarah xx
Penny & Tony
Hi Phil & Rhi,
Glad to see that you are having such a wonderful time. Tony and I will follow your adventures with interest. If you are still in Queenstown try a visit to 'Deer Park Heights'. It's well worth it for the views and it's where parts of Lord of the Rings was filmed. If you travel to Canberra - give us a ring. Cheers - Penny
Merry Christmas Les, Mumsie, Little Pop et al - from the Pearson clan - will look forward to reading the captions on the photo's if I ever finish the Xmas shoppin......Phil - Penny has asked for the link to your blog so her and Tony can see what you both been up to. They have a converted bus that they travel around Oz in so they may be able to give you some 'CamperVan' tips from down under. Enjoy - Jan
Mumsie And Taggy
Hey bubsie and pippin!
Just back from final christmas shopping trip to the diff. We were going to go on the big wheel in your honour (we're still laughing thinking about you last year) but it's too cold, so we went for pizza instead. Had last coffee in our favourite starbucks :-( borders closes this week. Au revoir NZ G'day Oz. Take care. love you xxxxxxxx
Aunty Janet
Hi Phil and Rhiannon
This is Aunty Janet from Provence, not to be confused with all the other Jans and Janets on your Message Board. Been looking at all your blogs and pictures and so glad you're having a good time. Just to wish you a Nadolig Llawen and hope your stay in Australia is as good as the one in NZ.
Ye I put a comment on one of Phils photos in wellington I didnt realise they couldnt remove them. Hope you and mumsie ok. Our house is very quiet without phil. have a nice xmas Petra and Leyton. I will look through all the photos later tonight .
Hey all you message boarders out there. Do you know you can add comments to the photos. You need to view them one at a time and not in the slideshow, its great fun and rhiphil can't remove them. See if you can find the one's I've already added. So all you budding cartoonists out there, nows your chance for comedy captions.
Merry Christmas to everyone viewing Phil's and Rhi's travels.
Counting down to Sydney now and some real weather at last. We've had crazy freezing slush and snow here last night so hardly anyone got in to Tredegar, not even me. Pops likes it though, especially as she can get in through the front windows now, just sits there butting the glass. Sad to say all the chocolates are gone off the tree and that was before Rachel got home.
Mum And Dad
Hi to you both, hope you ok and getting ready for Sydney wish I was there, took bampa home tonight you should see the snow they got up there loads of it. Dad has fixed his tree now you should have seen the state the leads of the light wrapped up in his hoover hes sorted now. Nice to see you last night on skype Phil and I hope Rhiannon did her shopping . Going up mamgus tomorrow . keep safe XXXXX
Wow Phil - how bonkers are you? Jo did show me the clip on FaceBook and now I have seen the photo's I am SURE you are totally nuts - good on ya Rhiannon for staying on Terra Firma someone had to take the photo's after all!! An amazing experience all the same. Mami just been down for a chat and a quick glass of vino and she said you would be skyping her later. Carry on enjoying - don't forget to give Penny & Tony a ring if you are in the Canberra area and have a fab time in Sydney SOOOOO JEALOUS. Jo said to say HIYA. I will wish you Merry Xmas now in case I don't get chance to come on again before. Take care of each other now. Love Jan Jack and Joxxx
Mum And Dad
Hey what a differecne in two days in the weather out there, really cold today been up mamgu's snow on the ground there. Hope Phil that when you walked on the glacier you had trainers on and not your flip flops, wont be long now to Australia and hope that the weather will be good to you. Nearly ready for xmas Bampa staying down tonight were taking him to the Priory in Margam tomorrow for a meal for his birthday, Guess what hes only gone and broke his snowing xmas tree whats he like dadi will have to repair it for him tomorrow, loads of photos to look at today got to say you both look really good take care and hope to speak to you on skype later XXXX